Page 253 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 253

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A cloisonné enamel snuff bottle and a white metal snuff bottle
Each with a Qianlong four-character mark
The cloisonné enamel snuff bottle of flattened form resting on a broad
oval foot, decorated on each side with a lobed panel with scholar’s
objects including kang tables, censers, books and blossoming flowers,
encircled by scrolling lotus amid leafy tendrils on the narrow sides,
cloisonné enamel stopper, 6cm (2½in) high; the other bottle of heart
shape, cast intricately on each side with a figure standing in a landscape
of pines and pavilions on a diaper ground, simulating designs of ivory
and cinnabar lacquer snuff bottles, alternating with stylised scrolls on
the narrow sides, metal stopper, 4.9cm (2in) high. (4).
£2,000 - 3,000
HK$24,000 - 35,000 CNY19,000 - 28,000

金鐫庭廓人物圖鼻煙壺 「乾隆年製」篆書刻款
掐絲琺瑯開光博古紋鼻煙壺 「乾隆年製」楷書刻款

Provenance: A European private collection and thence by descent


The style and subject with the diaper patterns underlying the design on
the white metal snuff bottle may appears to simulate the design of 19th
century ivory and cinnabar lacquer snuff bottles, which was fashionable
from about 1849 onwards.

A very similar example moulded with figure in pine and pavilion
landscape, dated to circa 1970 and made in Hong Kong, was in the
collection of Thomas C.van Nuys and illustrated by B.Stevens, The
Collector’s Book of Snuff Bottles, p.216, pl.804. See also a related snuff
bottle sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 24 November 2012, lot 188.


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