Page 279 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 279

250                                                來源:英國家族收藏林風眠系列作品;根據家                                  Signature
Lin Fengmian (1900-1991)                           族之說法,其母親曾在上海受教於林風眠,並                                                     Fine Chinese Art | 275
Lady                                               在同時期購得林風眠有署名的作品以及收藏了
Ink and colour on paper, signed and sealed at the  其授課時沒有署名的畫作
top left, mounted on silk, framed and glazed.
34.7cm x 22.4cm (13 2/3in x 8 4/5in)               Lin Fengmian in this painting manages to capture
£15,000 - 25,000                                   an ethereal, dream like beauty. The predominantly
HK$180,000 - 290,000                               white colour palette serves only to emphasise the
CNY140,000 - 240,000                               lady’s celestial purity, reminiscent of Guanyin, the
                                                   Goddess of Mercy. The triangular composition
林風眠(1900-1991) 仕女 設色紙本 鏡框                          of the seated lady too reassures the viewer with
                                                   a sense of stability. Like the Goddess, she seems
款識:林風眠                                             above the mundane world, while the silk thread
鈴印:林風眠印                                            lines that form the curves of her dress and sleeve
                                                   echo her delicate and refined nature.
Provenance: an English family collection of Lin
Fengmian paintings; according to the family, the   A painting of a lady in a similar pose by Lin
mother studied for a period with Lin Fengmian in   Fengmian was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong on 29
Shanghai and during this time acquired the signed  November 2011, lot 2284.
paintings as well as collected unsigned paintings
by him painted during the classes.
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