Page 280 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 280
251 * The painting depicts a gathering of elegantly dressed ladies on a garden
terrace. The thin, silk thread brushstrokes that outline the figures convey
Lin Fengmian (1900-1991) the delicate nature of the ladies. The symbols of femininity are also
Five Ladies present; the vase with flowers in the centre, and the slender willow that
Ink on paper, depicting five ladies on a terrace, signed and frames the image.
sealed at the bottom left, framed and glazed.
64cm x 68cm (25¾in x 26¾in) A very similar painting, dated to the 1940’s, is illustrated in The Collected
£20,000 - 30,000 Works of Lin Fengmian 林風眠全集, Tianjin renmin meishu chubanshe,
HK$240,000 - 350,000 CNY190,000 - 280,000 vol.1, p.56.
林風眠(1900-1991) 仕女 水墨紙本 鏡框
Provenance: an English family collection of Lin Fengmian paintings;
according to the family, the mother studied for a period with Lin Fengmian
in Shanghai and during this time acquired the signed paintings as well as
collected unsigned paintings by him painted during the classes.
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