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Various Owners 各方藏家                                                          363 Y
                                                                             A rhinoceros horn ‘Eight Immortals and Shoulao’ libation cup
362 Y                                                                        17th/18th century
A rhinoceros horn libation cup                                               The horn of a remarkable rich even-toned hue, finely carved with
18th century                                                                 a figure of Shoulao holding a book and seated on a flying crane
Carved around the exterior with stylised magnolia blossoms with              descending to a gathering of the Eight Immortals, each holding their
openwork curling branches, the horn with an attractive honey-brown           attributes and standing four on each side on rocky outcrops, the handle
tone turning darker at the foot.                                             formed as a delicate twin-trunked peach tree bearing six heavy fruit.
13.1cm (5 1/8in) wide                                                        17cm (6 5/8in) long
£3,000 - 5,000                                                               £60,000 - 80,000
HK$35,000 - 59,000 CNY28,000 - 47,000                                        HK$710,000 - 940,000 CNY560,000 - 750,000
Provenance: given to the present owner by an English private collector       The United Kingdom Government has imposed an almost
in Devon                                                                     complete prohibition on granting a license to permit the export of
十八世紀 犀角雕玉蘭紋杯                                                                 worked antique rhinoceros horn from the UK to any destination
來源:現藏家於英國德雲郡得自一名英國私人收藏家                                                      outside the European Union. Please check with the department
The United Kingdom Government has imposed an almost                          for further details.
complete prohibition on granting a license to permit the export of
worked antique rhinoceros horn from the UK to any destination                十七/十八世紀 犀角雕八仙賀壽圖杯
outside the European Union. Please check with the department
for further details.                                                         Provenance: previously in the collection of Lieutenant Thomas Jeffrey
The magnolia is a symbol of feminine beauty and charm, and is a              R.M. (1877-1958) and believed to have been acquired during the Boxer
popular subject for rhinoceros horn libation cups as its trumpet-shaped      Rebellion
flowers lend themselves to the restrictions of the natural shape of the      來源:早前陸軍中尉托馬斯·杰弗里(Thomas Jeffrey R.M.)(1877-1958)的
horn. A related cup from the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, is illustrated  舊藏,相信得於義和團運動時期
by J.Chapman, The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, London,
1999, pp.166-167. Compare also a similar ‘magnolia’ cup which was            Both Shoulao and the Eight Immortals symbolize longevity. The subject
sold in these rooms, 10 November 2011, lot 439.                              of the Eight Immortals honoring the God of Longevity is a common
                                                                             motif used for birthday presents and is popular in art objects during the
                                                                             Ming and Qing dynasties.

                                                                             A related rhinoceros horn libation cup with a similar theme of the Eight
                                                                             Immortals and Shoulao is in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, and is
                                                                             illustrated by J. Chapman, The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China,
                                                                             London, 1999, figs. 270-272. Compare a similar rhinoceros horn libation
                                                                             cup with similar design sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November
                                                                             2012, lot 2165; see also another similar example sold at Christie’s New
                                                                             York, 15 September 2011, lot 1233.

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