Page 395 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
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361 * Y The United Kingdom Government has imposed an almost
complete prohibition on granting a license to permit the export of
A fine small rhinoceros horn libation cup worked antique rhinoceros horn from the UK to any destination
18th century outside the European Union. Please check with the department
Of irregular oval cross-section, the exterior carved with a continuous for further details.
wide band of shallow-relief flower head cell patterns, the handle as a
single deeply-hollowed chilong dragon biting the rim. Compare a very similar rhinoceros horn libation cup, decorated with an
12cm (4¾in) wide earth diaper, from the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin; and another of
£15,000 - 20,000 lobed form with two chilong handles, also similarly carved with the earth
HK$180,000 - 240,000 CNY140,000 - 190,000 diaper, illustrated by J.Chapman in The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving
in China, London, 1999, p.149, pls.174 and 175.
十八世紀 犀角雕螭柄杯
Provenance: A European private collection
Fine Chinese Art | 391