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357 *                                                                   The calligraphy reads:

An incised bamboo wristrest                                             ‘Spring in the year of Guihai (AD1743)
18th century, signed Xifeng                                             Picture carved by Xifeng of the Huiyuetang [Bright Moon Hall]’
The slender bamboo delicately incised with a spotted antlered deer
passing through a clump of bamboo and lingzhi fungus with two bare      It is interesting to note that a bamboo carver named Pan Xifeng is
mountain peaks towering behind besides a small inscription and seal.    described as a ‘top bamboo carver in the reign of Qianlong’; see Chinese
21.9cm (8 5/8in) long                                                   Bamboo Carving, Part I, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1978, pp.332-
£3,000 - 5,000                                                          33 and compare also a bamboo wristrest illustrated pl.99 from the
HK$35,000 - 59,000 CNY28,000 - 47,000                                   collection of Dr Ip Yee. Compare also two bamboo root seals from the
                                                                        Shanghai Museum, and a bamboo-root brushpot from the Guangdong
十八世紀 竹刻鹿紋臂擱 「西鳳」草書款                                                     Folk Arts Museum, all signed by Pan Xifeng, early Qing Dynasty,
                                                                        exhibited in the Shanghai Museum and illustrated in Literati Spirit: Art of
Provenance: acquired from Spink & Son Ltd., London, on 21 April 1989    Chinese Bamboo Carving, Shanghai, 2012, pls.79-81 respectively.
A European private collection

Published: Spink & Son Ltd., The Minor Arts of China IV, London, 1989,
Catalogue, no.26

來源:1989年4月21日購於倫敦Spink & Son Ltd.

出版:Spink & Son Ltd.著,《The Minor Arts of China IV》,倫

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