Page 386 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 386
353 Invoice
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A white jade circular ‘three chilong’ ring
17th/18th century
The white jade of even tone with a small area of cloudy skin retained,
carved in high relief with two larger bearded chilong with twisted
bifurcated tails clambering over the exterior and accompanied by one
smaller chilong, wood stand.
6cm (2 3/8in) wide (2).
£3,000 - 5,000
HK$35,000 - 59,000 CNY28,000 - 47,000
十七/十八世紀 白玉雕螭龍紋戒指
Provenance: acquired from Spink & Son Ltd., London,
on 26 November 1987
A European private collection
來源:1987年11月26日購於倫敦Spink & Son Ltd.
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A green jade figure of a recumbent deer
Yuan/Ming Dynasty
The green stone with minor attractive speckles, carved as a slender deer,
crouching with the right foreleg bent up at the knee, its head proudly
raised and long antlers reaching over its back, clutching in its mouth a
double-headed lingzhi fungus. 5.6cm (2¼in) long
£2,500 - 4,000
HK$29,000 - 47,000 CNY24,000 - 38,000
元/明 青玉雕臥鹿
Provenance: Simon Kwan
Acquired from Roger Keverne, London, on 6 October 1999
A European private collection
1999年10月6日購於倫敦古董商Roger Keverne