Page 87 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 87

The yellow ground of the present lot suggests that it was intended           Garden seats painted with underglaze blue of related design with rows
for use in an Imperial palace. A closely-related seat in the Qing Court      of bosses and dating to the late Ming period can also be found in the
Collection, dated to the Jiajing period, is illustrated by Zhu Jiajin, Le    collection of the Palace Museum. See Imperial Furniture of Ming & Qing
Mobilier Chinois: Epoque Ming,2007, no.54. A seat with an aubergine          Dynasties: Classics of the Forbidden City, Beijing, 2008, nos. 199 and
dragon dated to the Ming Dynasty, possibly the same seat as mentioned        120, with Wanli marks, and ibid., no.121 without a mark but painted
above, is illustrated in Imperial Furniture of Ming & Qing Dynasties:        with a five-clawed dragon on the side.
Classics of the Forbidden City, Beijing, 2008, no.123 (see fig. 1 below
opposite). It is also interesting to note the similar decorative effect of
green and aubergine on a yellow ground displayed on a three-piece
garniture enamelled with five-clawed dragons and with Wanli marks and
of the period, illustrated by J.Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics in the British
Museum, London, 2001, nos.11:170 to 11:172.

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