Page 119 - JJ Lally Ancient Chinese Jades, 1988
P. 119

109.  An Archaic Jade Cicada
    Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–A.D. 9)
    of elegantly simplified form, the wings rising from the flat base to a central ridge, a deep notch at
 the neck, the silvery white stone polished to a high gloss.
    Length 2 inches (5 cm)

    Compare the similar jade cicada excavated in 1957 at Houchuan, Xiaxian, Henan province illustrated in Zhongguo guojia
 bowuguan guancang wenwu yanjiu congshu: yuqi juan (Studies of the Collection of the National Museum of China: Jade),
 Shanghai, 2007, p. 193, no. 143, described as early Western Han.

    Гဏc͗ᔤcڗ 5᩶Ϸ

   110.  An Archaic Jade Cicada
    Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–A.D. 220)

    with angular projecting eyes and pointed wings defined by deep slash-cuts.
    Length 2 inches (5.1 cm)

    Ex J.J. Lally & Co., 1993 catalogue no. 74
    A similar cicada from a Han dynasty tomb at Hanjiang, Jiangsu province is illustrated by Gu (ed.), Zhongguo chutu yuqi quanji
 (Complete Collection of Jades Unearthed in China), Vol. 7, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Beijing, 2005, p. 134.

    ဏc͗ᔤcڗ 5.1᩶Ϸc
    Ը๕cᔝଣઠ 1993त࢝ྡ፽ୋ 74໮

   111.  A P air of Archaic Jade Slit Discs ( Jue )
    Spring and Autumn Period (770–475 B.C.)
    each thin disc decorated on one side with linked pairs of incised double-line ‘dragon scrolls’.

    Diameter 1 ⁄16 inches (4 cm) each
    A similar jue in the Palace Museum, Beijing is illustrated by Gu (ed.), Zhongguo chuanshi yuqi quanji (Chinese Jades in
 Traditional Collections), Vol. 1, Beijing, 2010, p. 185.
    ݆߇c͗ᨈɓ࿁c΢ࢰ 4᩶Ϸ

   112.  An Archaic Jade P endant ( Huang )
    Late Warring States Period, 3rd Century B.C.
    carved on both sides with raised comma-spirals, the ends notched.

    Width 4½ inches (11.4 cm)
    Ex J.J. Lally & Co., 1993 catalogue no. 79

    ኷਷ૉಂc͗ዺcᄱ 11.4᩶Ϸc
    Ը๕cᔝଣઠ 1993त࢝ྡ፽ୋ 79໮

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