Page 121 - JJ Lally Ancient Chinese Jades, 1988
P. 121

113.  An Archaic Jade Sword Guard ( Ge )
    Han Dynasty (206 B.C.–A.D. 220)
    carved on both sides with the eyes of a dragon at the center flanked by linked ‘C’ scrolls.

    Length 2 ⁄16 inches (5.5 cm)
    Compare the jade sword guard illustrated by Zhang, Shanghai bowuguan cangpin yanjiu daxi: Zhongguo gudai yuqi (Research
 series of the Shanghai Museum Collection: Ancient Chinese Jades), Shanghai, 2009, p. 164, no. 131.
    ဏc͗ᄏࣸcڗ 5.5᩶Ϸ

   114.  An Archaic Jade Sword P ommel ( Shou )
    Warring States Period (475–221 B.C.)

    incised with bands of fine linear crosshatching on the top, the underside carved with linked pairs of
 comma-spiral motifs, the flat base drilled for attachment.

    Diameter 1 ⁄16 inches (4.9 cm)
    Compare the jade sword pommel with similar incised design, excavated in 1999 at Shitangzhen, Banshan district, Hangzhou,
 Zhejiang province, illustrated by Li (ed.) in Hangzhou guyu (Ancient Jade of Hangzhou), Beijing, 2003, p. 74, no. 57.
    ኷਷c͗ᄏ࠯cࢰ 4.9᩶Ϸ

   115.  An Archaic Jade Sword Guard ( Ge )
    Late Eastern Zhou Dynasty, 4th–3rd Century B.C.

    carved on one side with a chilong with serpentine body threaded through the central ridge, the
 other side with two eyes centering a simplified taotie.

    Length 2 ⁄16 inches (5.3 cm)
    Compare the jade sword guard of this form and design illustrated by Lam, Nanyue wang mu yuqi (Jades from the Tomb of the
 King of Nanyue), Hong Kong, 1991, nos. 195-196.
    ؇մૉಂc͗ᄏࣸcڗ 5.3᩶Ϸ

   116.  An Archaic Jade Scabbard Chape ( Bi )
    Warring States Period, 4th–3rd Century B.C.
    carved on the top, front and back with symmetrical arrangements of hooked angular scroll motifs
 in low relief accentuated with incised lines.

    Height 2½ inches (6.4 cm)
    Compare the jade scabbard chape in the collection of the Freer Gallery of Art, illustrated by Lawton, Chinese Art of the
 Warring Sates Period: Change and Continuity, 480–222 B.C., Washington D.C., 1982, p. 160, no. 108.
    ኷਷c͗ᄏ᭾c৷ 6.4᩶Ϸ

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