Page 90 - JJ Lally Ancient Chinese Jades, 1988
P. 90

71.  An Archaic Jade Dragon P endant
                                                               Shang Dynasty, 13th–11th Century B.C.
                                                               the bottle-horn dragon with fish tail drilled through the mouth, traces of cinnabar.

                                                               Length 3 ⁄8 inches (9.9 cm)
                                                               Ex Collection Professor Max Loehr, acquired in Beijing, 1943
                                                               Ex J.J. Lally & Co., 1993 catalogue no. 54
                                                               Exhibited and Published: Early Chinese Jades, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1953, no. 79

                                                               ਠcᎲҖ͗भcڗ 9.9᩶Ϸc
                                                               Ը๕cᖯ⭮઺બ 1943ϋᒅ׵̏ԯiᔝଣઠ 1993त࢝ྡ፽ୋ 54໮
                                                               ࢝ᚎʿഹ፽c˜ʕ਷͗̚™d੗Г࣬ψͭɽኪdτࢆఝd1953ϋd࢝ۜୋ 79໮

                                                            72.  An Archaic Jade Fish P endant
                                                               Shang/Early Western Zhou Dynasty, circa 12th–10th Century B.C.
                                                               with dragon head, a pair of fins projecting from both sides of the belly.
                                                               Length 3 ⁄8 inches (8.7 cm)
                                                               A similar fish pendant from the Hotung Collection is illustrated by Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing,
                                                               London, 1995, p. 25, fig. 10, described as made from a collared disc, an example of repurposed jade during the Shang dynasty.

                                                               ਠ / ГմϘಂc௡Җ͗भcڗ 8.7᩶Ϸc

                                                            73.  A Small Archaic Jade Axe Shape P endant
                                                               Shang/Early Western Zhou Dynasty, circa 12th–11th Century B.C.
                                                               Length 1 ⁄8 inches (4.8 cm)
                                                               Ex J.J. Lally & Co., 1994 catalogue no. 38
                                                               Exhibited and Published:  C.T. Loo, An Exhibition of Chinese Archaic Jades Arranged for the Norton
                                                                                        Gallery of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, 1950 pl. XVI:4

                                                               ਠ / ГմϘಂc״Җʃུ͗cڗ 4.8᩶Ϸc
                                                               Ը๕cᔝଣઠ 1994त࢝ྡ፽ୋ 38໮
                                                               ࢝ᚎʿഹ፽c ጅٿᓈ An Exhibition of Chinese Archaic Jades Arranged for the Norton Gallery of
                                                                           ArtdНᖯԢ༺ψГಅᝃᛉd1950ϋd࢝ۜୋ XVI:4໮

                                                            74.  A Small Archaic Jade Dagger - Axe ( Ge )
                                                               Shang/Early Western Zhou Dynasty, 12th–10th Century B.C.
                                                               Length 3¾ inches (9.5 cm)

                                                               Ex Collection Capt. S.N. Ferris Luboshez, acquired in Shanghai before 1949
                                                               Ex J.J. Lally & Co., 1994 catalogue no. 37

                                                               ਠ / ГմϘಂcʃ͗ˑcڗ 9.5᩶Ϸc
                                                               Ը๕cLuboshez ɪࣧ 1949ϋ˸ۃᒅ׵ɪऎiᔝଣઠ 1994त࢝ྡ፽ୋ 37໮

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