Page 111 - 2019 September 10th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art Junkunc Collection
P. 111

The present lot illustrated in Exhibition of
                                                    Chinese Arts, C.T. Loo & Co., New York,
                                                    1941, cat. no. 179.
                                                    本品錄於《Exhibition of Chinese Arts》,

                                 The peacock was sometimes likened to the mythological phoenix in its artistic rendering. Endowed with
                                 similar auspicious qualities as the peacock, the phoenix appears in various decorative shapes. Compare,
                                 for example, an elegant phoenix figure displaying an elaborate tail, without inlay, included in the
                                 exhibition Ancient Chinese Bronzes, J. J. Lally & Co., New York, 2011, cat. no. 20; and another, of stockier
                                 build, also from the collection of Stephen Junkunc, III, sold in these rooms, 19th March 2019, lot 122.

                                 Related small phoenix figures served as finials on bronze vessel covers, such as, for example, on a zhong
                                 vase cover, discovered at Weiyang, near Xi’an, Shaanxi province, included in the exhibition Splendeurs
                                 des Han, essor de l’empire céleste, Musée Guimet, Paris, 2014, cat. no. 135.

                                 Compare also the phoenix lamps and censers, such as, for example, a lamp found in the tomb of Dou
                                 Wan at Lingshan, Mancheng, Hebei Province and now in the Hebei Provincial Musuem in Shijiazhuang,
                                 standing on a coiled creature and holding a ring-like tray in its beak, illustrated in Zhongguo wenwu
                                 jinghua daquan, Qingtong juan,[The Quintessence of Chinese cultural relics Bronzes], Shanghai, 1994,
                                 no. 1145; and a censer from the collection of C. T. Loo, included in An Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ritual
                                 Bronzes, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, 1940, cat. no. 75.

                                 Brundage  Collection》,舊金山亞洲藝術博物館,       相關小型鳳凰造像,飾為銅器蓋頂,如見一
                                 舊金山,1974年,編號16;另提及三尊銅鎏金孔                例,出土自陝西省西安未央區,收錄於展覽圖
                                 雀,內嵌綠松石,造型較素雅,出土自河北省定縣東                 錄《Splendeurs des Han, essor de l’empire
                                 漢墓。                                     céleste》,吉美博物館,巴黎,2014年,編號
                                 之意,前者紋飾多端。比較一尊鳳凰造像,優雅雍                  另比較鳳凰油燈與香爐,如河北省滿城區陵山竇綰
                                 容,尾羽精緻,無鑲嵌,收錄於展覽圖錄《Ancient              墓發現之油燈一例,現藏於石家莊河北省博物院,
                                 Chinese  Bronzes》,J.  J.  Lally  &  Co.,紐  鳳凰像立於瑞獸之上,鳥喙含環盤,圖載於《中
                                 約,2011年,編號20;另一例造型渾厚,曾由史蒂               國文物精華大全•青銅卷》,上海,1994年,編
                                 芬•瓊肯三世收藏,2019年3月19日售於蘇富比,               號1145;以及盧芹齋收藏香爐一例,收錄於《An
                                 編號122。                                  Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Ritual Bronzes》

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