Page 19 - Dreweatts May 19, 2015 Chinese and Asian Works of Art, Good section on late Chinese Bronzes
P. 19
A pair of cloisonné enamel double crane censers, each group finely modelled as a large crane and young
standing on an elaborate champlevé and cloisonné enamel rockwork-shaped pedestals interspersed with
blooming flowers, standing on tall legs detailed with cylindrical bands, the smaller crane with one leg slightly
bent, their long necks naturalistically curved, the taller crane grasping a double-peach sprig in its pointed beak,
the bodies and feathers realistically detailed in black and white enamels within gilded borders, with the red
crests wings covering the hollow body, 150cm high
清 御制掐丝珐琅双鹤香炉一对 成交价