Page 63 - Dreweatts May 19, 2015 Chinese and Asian Works of Art, Good section on late Chinese Bronzes
P. 63
A famiile rose fluted bowl, 19th
century, the exterior painted with
a dragon and a tiger, the interior
with a bird gaurding a nest of eggs,
rubbed iron-red Daoguang (?) seal
mark, 18.5cm diameter
Provenance: Believed to have been
bought by the current owner’s
Grandfather who worked in China
between 1910 and 1914.
十九世纪 粉彩鸟纹碗
123 £300-500
A pair of famille rose vases, 19th
century, of rectangular hexagonal
section, painted with panels of
peony and foliage within iron-red
and gilt circle, 25.5cm high
清 十九世纪 粉彩花卉瓶一对
A famille rose porringer or bleeding Chinese porcelain flared vase, 19th 清乾隆/十九世纪 粉彩花卉纹
bowl, Qianlong, with pierced foliate century, painted with a cricket and 碗一件;咖啡壶一件;盖盒一
handle, 15.5cm; a Chinese famille flowers, 8cm diam. 件;盘一件;瓶一件
rose coffee can, Qianlong; a Chinese
circular polychrome box and cover, Provenance: Believed to have been £150-250
late 19th-20th century, 9cm diam; bought by the current owner’s
an octagonal footed dish, 19th-20th Grandfather who worked in China
century, 12cm diam and a small between 1910 and 1914.