Page 59 - Dreweatts May 19, 2015 Chinese and Asian Works of Art, Good section on late Chinese Bronzes
P. 59


         A blue and white jar, Kangxi,   horse, 16in high; a blue and white   清康熙 青花花卉人物图纹罐 嘉
         painted with alternating panels   bottle vase, 18th century, painted   靖六字一件;十七世纪青花花卉
         of figures and flowers, Jiajing six   with two birds amongst trees,   人物图纹瓶一件;十八世纪 青
         character mark, 11cm high, wood   21.5cm high and a blue and white   花花卉人物图纹瓶一件碗一件
         cover; a blue and white vase, circa   bowl, 8cm wide and a Chinese
         1650, painted with a man beside a   blue and white lid, 12cm wide  £100-150

         A famille rose mug, Qianlong,
         painted with central panel of
         a vase of flowers, 14cm high;
         another with dragon handle,
         Qianlong, 13cm high; a famille
         rose export jug, Qianlong,
         painted with sprigs and sprays of
         flowers, 23cm high; a famille rose
         helmet shaped jug, Qianlong,
         painted with a Chinese lady and
         Gentleman and two children,
         13.5cm high; a famille rose salt,
         Qianlong, painted with flowers,
         8cm diam and a oval mazarine,
         Qianlong, 30cm                                    115

         清乾隆 粉彩花卉纹杯二件 瓶二

                                                                A famille rose charger, Qianlong,
                                                                painted with a vase of flowers and
                                                                peony, 35cm diam

                                                                清乾隆 粉彩花卉纹盘

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