Page 55 - Dreweatts May 19, 2015 Chinese and Asian Works of Art, Good section on late Chinese Bronzes
P. 55
105 107
A Doucai-style bowl, 20th A blue and white ginger jar,
century, painted with painted with panels of precious
Manadrin ducks and lotus, the objects on a cracked-ice and prunus
interior similarly decorated, ground,18.5cm high, wood cover;
21.5cm diam and a Ming style another with branches of prunus,
blue and white bowl, 20th late 19th/20th century, 17.5cm
century, with central raised high, wood cover; a small Chinese
boss after a Middle Eastern blue and white baluster vase and
metalwork design, cover, late 19th/20th century, with
13.7cm diam figures on a terrace, psuedo Kangxi
four character mark and a similar
Provenance: Believed to have blue and white ginger jar and cover,
been bought by the current pseudo Kangxi four character mark,
owner’s Grandfather who 15cm and 14cm high; a Chinese
worked in China between 105 blue and white cylindrical vase/
1910 and 1914. brush pot, late 19th century, painted
with figures, 11.5cm high, wood
二十世纪 仿鬥彩花卉纹碗 cover; a Chinese blue and white
plate, Kangxi, painted with a vase of
£80-120 flowers, 21cm diam; a small Chinese
bowl, Qianlong, well painted with
106 a vase of flowers, 15.5cm diam; a
A blue and white ginger jar, blue and white bowl, pseudo Jiajing
painted with fruiting mark, 18cm and a Chinese blue and
pomegranates, white soup bowl, and a plate similar,
21cm high, wood cover late 18th century/early 19th century,
22.5cm diameter
Provenance: Believed to have been
£200-300 bought by the current owner’s
Grandfather who worked in China
106 between 1910 and 1914
清/二十世纪 青花花卉纹罐三