Page 54 - Dreweatts May 19, 2015 Chinese and Asian Works of Art, Good section on late Chinese Bronzes
P. 54
A blue and white vase, of slender
baluster form with trumpet neck,
painted with ho-o birds and peony
on a dense scrolling foliate ground,
29.5cm high
Provenance: Believed to have been
bought by the current owner’s
Grandfather who worked in China
102 between 1910 and 1914
A blue and white ‘Buddistic 青花花鸟纹瓶
Emblems’ bowl, painted around
the exterior with four roundels to £150-200
the cardinal points, each enclosing
a character amidst lotus scrolls and
Eight Buddistic Emblems, the interior
with central Shou roundel encircled 104
by eight emblems, Qianlong seal A ‘hundred boys’ blue and white
mark but later, 18cm diam circular box and cover, 6.5cm
diam; a small Chinese blue and
Provenance: Believed to have been white vase, painted with two
bought by the current owner’s figures standing before a terrace,
Grandfather who worked in China 8cm high; a small Chinese blue
between 1910 and 1914 and white bottle vase, painted
with a figure on horseback, 9.5cm
青花莲花八宝纹碗 乾隆六字篆 high and two blue and white and
书刻款 iron-red Kangxi style cylindrical
bottles, 12cm and 11.5cm high
Provenance: Believed to have been
bought by the current owner’s
103 Grandfather who worked in China
between 1910 and 1914
52 tel. +44 (0) 1635 553 553