Page 18 - Chinese Jades Nov 30 2017 Hong Kong
P. 18


           A BROWN AND CELADON JADE FIGURE OF A      宋   青白玉帶皮臥牛
           SONG DYNASTY                              臥牛在中國繪畫裏代表寧靜致遠﹑柔能克剛,歌詠田園生
           modelled recumbent with the tail curled alongside its rear
           haunches, its head soaring upwards and further detailed with a
           pair of striated horns, almond-shaped eyes and funnel-shaped   本品青玉瑩潤, 保留褐皮,刻畫傳神,栩栩如生。其背部
           ears, pierced with a circular aperture just below the neck, the   小洞可供繫戴,隨身把玩,難能可貴。
           stone of a greyish celadon tone with patches of brown
           4 cm, 1⅝ in.
           HK$ 100,000-150,000
           US$ 12,900-19,300

           The reclining buffalo, symbol of strength as well as tranquility,
           is a classic icon. Its bucolic aspect evokes the simple and
           true life in the countryside, and as the reputed mount of
           the philosopher Laozi, the buffalo also has strong Daoist
           The current jade buffalo is finely worked from a pebble of
           celadon colour, suffused with patches of darker brown which
           have been skilfully incorporated to denote the natural colour
           of the animal. Pierced through the back, it would have been
           treasured by its owner and worn as an accessory.

           16      SOTHEBY’S  蘇富比
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