Page 154 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 154
with plans for young Forbes to replace him. Cushing's total
profits were close to a million dollars. Forbes himself had
profits totalling almost two-hundred-thousand dollars. He and
Cushing would have equal shares in the proposed establishment.
Cushing would remain a partner in Boston but planned to limit
himself to investments. Just as he was resuming his business,
word arrived from China of Forbes.' fatal shipwreck. At the
time he was in Europe overseeing the preparation of cargoes
bound for Canton. Cushing hurried on to Canton himself to
settle financial affairs. At Canton he carried out Forbes'
instructions to merge with Russell & Co., but he insisted that
the house take in another partner who had his approval. This
partner was to receive the consignments of all Perkins & Co. 's
business. Cushing had in mind Forbes' younger brother Robert
Bennet for the position. Forbes, a seacaptain, preferred to
remain in his present job of managing a storeship at an
Outer Anchorage. Cushing then settled on Augustine Heard as the
designated partner. As a further part of the agreement, the
youngest Forbes brother John Murray, sixteen years old, was to
be a purser for Russell & Co. with the intent of a future part
nership. In return Russell & Co. received all the business of
Perkins & Co. and Bryant, Sturgis & Co. In March 1831 Cushing,
Letters, J.P. Cl1shmg to T.T. Forbes, Nov. 23, 1828;
J.P. Cushing to T.H. Perkins, Jan. 19, 1829; T.T. Forbes to J.P.
Cushing, Jul. 10, 1829, Bryant & Sturgis MSS.
cushing was in Europe buying a French and a Dutch ship
to trade from Canton to France and Holland for his own profit but
under their own national colors. Letter, J.P. Cushing to Perkins
& Co., Apr. 15, 1830. Extract of Letter, J.P. Cushing to J. Bates,
Jul. 10, 1831, Bryant & Sturgis MSS.
Letter, J.P. Cushing to S. Cabot, Nov. 18, 1830, Samuel
Cabot MSS. Cushing left accounts with Russell & Co. for Perkins &
Co. worth $61,810.49 and for himself worth $60,458.23. See Trial
Balances, Bryant & Sturgis MSS.