Page 242 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
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                   heavy  exactions  which  they  are  subjected  to  by  the  Mandarins.
                                 Although  Manila  did  not  overshadow  Lintin  in  the
                   opium  trade,  like  Batavia  the  port  became  important  in  the

                   overall  American  China  trade.  Throughout  the  history  of  the

                   American  trade  in  opium,  the  drug  never  assumed  the  paramount

                   role  in  the  American  trade  that  it  occupied  in  British  trade
                   with  China.

                              By  the  mid-1820,s  Cushing s  management  made  the  "Bos­
                   ton  Concern"  the  primary  American  speculators  in  opium.  In

                   January  1825  Thomas  Handasyd  Perkins,  the  paterfamilias  of

                   the  Perkins  commercial  establishment,  wrote  to  his  nephew  at

                  Canton  that  "we  have  no  powerful  competitors"  in  the  opium

                  trade.  "If  the  calculations  we  have  made.                   .as  to  the  quan-

                   tity  of  Opium.        .is  correct,  you  will  compleatly  isi£7  con-

                   trol  the  market.     11   The  market  Perkins  mentioned  was  in  Turkey
                  opium.         But  at  the  very  time  Perkins  wrote  to  Cushing  other

                                 Letters,  Perkins  &  Co.  to  E.  Perkins,  Jun.  5,  1821,
                  Perkins  &  Co.  to  J.  &  T.H.  Perkins,  Sep.  10,  1822,  Perkins  &  Co.
                  to  Addison  &  Co.,  Feb.  25,  1823,  Perkins  &  Co.  to  T.H.  Perkins,
                   Feb.  27,  1823,  Perkins  &  Co.  MSS.
                                 The  later  American  trade  in  opium  to  Batavia,  Manila
                  and  even  Singapore  can  be  seen  from  "Consular  Returns  for  American
                  Vessels  arriving  at  &  departing  from  the  Port  of  ___ ,"  enclosed
                  in  Consular  Despatches:  Batavia,  Manila,  Singapore.  These  Returns
                  only  begin  around  1834.  American  trade  in  opium  to  Singapore  began
                  in  spring  1830,  Letter,  A.L.  Johnston  &  Co.  to  J.R.  Latimer,  Apr.
                  10,  1830,  Library  of  Congress,  Latimer  F3mily  MSS.
                              34                        .,  ·
                                 1  etter,  T.H.  PerK1ns  to  J.P.  Cus  1ng,  Jan.            15  1825  ,
                  Massachusetts  HistoricGl  Society,  Samuel  Cabot  MSS.  By  this  time
                  American  trade  in  opium  at  Smyrna  had  grown  to  allow  the  estab­
                  lishment  of  four  commercial  houses  at  the  Turkish  port:  Woodman
                  &  Offley,  Perkins  Brothers,  Langdon  &  Co.,  and  Issaverdes,  Stith
                  &  Co.     (Stith  was  a  former  supercargo  in  the  China  trade.)  Downs,
                   "Americans  and  the  Opium  Trade,"  p.  423  (footnote).
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