Page 418 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 418
convinced of our power, they will not fail to be governed by
that policy which the British. .will be inclined to carry
out in opposition to the interests & trade of the United States.11
(Although the English and Chinese concluded the Treaty of Nanking
in August 1842, the two sides planned further deliberations on
specific regulations. These negotiations resulted in the Treaty
of the Bogue, or Supplementary Treaty, of October 1843.) Af-
ter Kearny returned to Macao from Hong Kong, he again stressed
to the Secretary of the Navy his desire to secure American com
mercial interests. Taking advantage of his relations with the
Governor-general, he postulated: "The good understanding which
happily exists between the local authorities of Canton and the
Americans and with myself, would seem to recommend this time a
propitious moment for the United States to enter upon some under
standing in regard to commercial privileges with the Chinese.11
Assuming the Navy Department's approval, on October 8,
1842, Kearny wrote to Governor-general Ch i Kung that he had
knowledge of the Imperial Court's despatch of Commissioners to
Canton 1& that a commercial treaty is to be negotiated to operate
in favor of 'British merchants• exclusively. 11 The Commodore's
major point was to draw Imperial attention to "the commercial
interests of the United States, & he hopes that the importance of
their trade will receive consideration, & their citizens in that
matter be placed upon the same footing as the merchants of the
nation most favored. 1 In reply Ch i Kung assured Kearny that
"it shall not be permitted that the American merchants shall co;ne
22 1 1 s quadron Letters," East India Squadron, Sep. 23, 1842 .
11squadron Letters, 1 1 East India Squadron, Oct. 7, 1842.