Page 424 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 424
rushed into the China trade. These men were quite unaware of the
situation at the new ports or at Canton itself. In January 1843
Robert· Bennet Forbes confided to Russell & Co. in a private letter
that the "China Trade seems to be much overdone." Reminiscent of
the reaction of established merchants in the China trade to the
flood of adventurers in the early 1820 s, Forbes added: "I hope
½ isiy of the interlopers will burn their fingers. 11 33
Merchants who had invested in China ventures before 1839 took a
more sanguine view of future trade in China. William Appleton
& Co. of Boston, the leading manufacturer of American Domestics
(cotton cloths) sold in China, typified such an attitude. The
house referred to China's opening more ports in a communication to
Russell & Co. in December 1842: "If carried out in good faith it
may lead to great changes in the China Trade in the course of
some years, but we do not anticipate any favorable effects from
it immediately. II
Although older merchants were hesitant to predict an
automatic boom in the China trade, they could not prevent the
"interlopers" from despatching vessels to Canton. The indefinite
state of affairs in China combined with the influx of new traders
to create unstable commercial conditions. American merchants at
Private Letter, R.B. Forbes to Russell & Co., Jan. 1,
1843, Forbes MSS. Newer merchants in the trade voiced opposite
feelings: "And lastly the re�.;toration of peace in China, & the
opening of several new ports in that Country, of immense consump
tion, present an opening for a person of your experience & intelli
gence, which does not often offer, & we think there is room enough
for a little more talent in the commercial community of Canton."
Letter, Howland & Aspinwall, Dec. 23, 1842, Comstock Brothers MSS.
Letter, J.N. Rodgers to A. Heard, Jan. 20, 1843, Heard MSS.
W. Appleton & Co. to Russell & Co., Dec. 31, 1842, William
Appleton & Co. MSS. The Appletons consigned equally to Russell &
Co. and to A. Heard & Co. in their China trade.