Page 470 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 470
Chinese before either diplomat arrived at Macao. The merchants'
amity predisposed Cushing and Ch'i-ying to conclude their treaty
rapidly and easily.
Friendly relations developed between American traders
and Chinese Hong merchants because of a shared, single-minded
interest in commercial profit. From the earliest years of their
trade at Canton, Americans willingly obeyed the regulations and
restrictions of the ''Canton syste�' They furthermore sought co
operation from the Hong merchants in building a successful trade
within this system. The Chinese compared American practices
with the aggressive and recalcitrant attitude of the English.
In the l820's and 1830 s the Hong merchants increasingly favored
transacting business with Americans at Canton. Serious economic
difficulties in the early 1820's had forced Americans in the
China trade to seek more efficient modes of business to remain
competitive. Consequently, they fostered closer financial ties
with the Hong merchants. The most successful American houses in
the China trade, Perkins & Co. and its successor Russell & Co.,
reaped rich profits from their special relationship with Chinese
merchants. Other major American commission houses at Canton
followed their associates' example. Friendship and trust between
Americans and Chinese subsequently grew stronger, as both groups
perceived that close ties were mutually beneficial.
Throughout their decades in China, American residents con
comitantly created a favorable impression on the Chinese govern-
ment. Unlike the English, who had the support of an imperial gov-
ernment and navy, Americans had no alternative but to adhere