Page 465 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 465
Several days before the formal signing of the Treaty
of Wang-hsia, Consul Paul S. Forbes wrote to his Boston cousins
that Caleb Cushing "has settled the principles of a very satis-
factory Treaty. II Other American merchants at Canton agreed
with Forbes, although many of them had previously viewed
Cushing's mission skeptically. At the end of the Opium War
the majority of American residents had felt satisfied with
the new commercial conditions established by the English. After
Imperial Commissioner Ch'i-ying promised Commodore Lawrence
Kearny that American merchants and their vessels would possess
equal commercial rights and privileges at the new ports, Ameri
can residents believed they had obtained all that was necessary
to insure profitable trading in China. Sixty years' experience
had accustomed Americans to accept Chinese commercial regula
tions and restrictions. During this time acquiescence to the
"Canton system" formed the cornerstone of a very successful com
mercial enterprise. Although American merchants at Canton num
bered very few and enjoyed no military support, they had competed
successfully with the overwhelmingly larger and more powerful
Letter, P.S. Forbes to R.B. Forbes, Jul. 1, 1844, Har-
vard Business School, Baker Library, Forbes MSS. Letter, Wetmore
& Co. to G. Peabody, Jul. 20, 1844, Salem, Essex Institute,
George Peabody MSS.