Page 464 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 464
showed his appreciation by returning portraits of himself to
Cushing and members of the mission. After several weeks
Cushing said fairwell to Ch'i-ying and the American residents
at Macao and embarked for the United States. ° Cushing's
treaty, the Treaty of Wang-hsia, marked a new era in American
relations with China.
OOVarious authors have discussed the Cushing mission.
Using only American sources, Dennett, in Americans in Eastern
Asia, Chap. VIII, and Kenneth S. Latouretteu in "The Story of
Early Relations between the United States and China, 1784-1844, 11
Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Vol. XXII (New Haven, 1917), Chap. X, utilized Cushing's major
despatches to the State Department, as published in U.S., Congress,
Senate, Corrunittee on Foreign Relations, S. Docs. 58 and 67, 28th
Cong., 2nd sess., 1844-45. Fuess, in Life of Caleb Cushing, I,
Chap. 10, employed Cushing's private papers. Kuo Pin-chia
wrote an article, 11Cal0b Cushing and the Treaty of Wanghia,"
Journal of Modern History, V (1933), 35-54, in which he combined
the Senate documents, Fuess' biography, and Chinese documents
from I-wu-shih-mo. Kuo lays extraordinary emphasis on Chinese
fears regarding Cushing's trip to Peking. Several historians
who wrote primarily on Anglo-Chinese relations give passing
reference to Cushing and the American treaty. Of these, the most
cogent interpretation is in John K. Fairbank, Trade and Diplomacy
on the China Coast: The Opening of the Treaty Ports, 1842-1854
(Cambridge, 1953), pp. 196-99.