Page 461 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 461
official Chinese resistance to Cushing s actions. On receiving
notification of the death from Consul Forbes, Cushing had ordered
an investigation. But he also informed Forbes that he intended
to handle this affair under the aegis of extraterritoriality.
Using the arguments of Christianity and international law,
Cushing wrote that he had decided to "refuse at once all appli
cations for the surrender of the party who killed Sue Aman 11
(Hsu A-man) . Subsequently, Cushing announced to the Chinese
that he had instructed Forbes to inquire into the matter.
Ch'i-ying replied that he was satisfied with the envoy's actions.
His major worry was the reaction of the Cantonese rabble, "a
vagrant, idleness-loving set, who set in motion many thousand
schemes, in order to interrupt peace between this and other
countries." He claimed that, since the Opium War, many of these
Cantonese had formed secret societies with the purpose of ridding
the city of foreigners. Although Ch'i-ying did not condone the
Americans' killing of Hsu, he implied that the rabble most likely
incited the affair. The Commissioner did not repeat his earlier
demand for the surrender of the guilty man, but he did ask that
Cushing not do anything to inflame the populace. Subsequently, 1
Forbes conducted an inquiry and submitted the evidence to a jury
of six American merchants, who ruled the killing as self-defense.
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Cus h. ing so in orme C i-ying.
The letter to Consul Forbes of Jun. 28u 1844, is in
Diplomatic Despatches: China, C. Cushing, Jul. 24, 1844.
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C h i-ying s corrununica ion is in ip oma ic Despa c es:
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China, C. Cushing, Jul. 9, 1844.
Forbes confidentially related the details of the inci
dent in letters to his cousin Bennet. The person re�ponsible for
Hsnsdeath was Daniel N. Spooner, a partner in Russel� & Co. Forbes