Page 456 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 456


                   for  his  appearance  at  Peking.  Seeking  further  to  persuade

                   Cushing  not  to  leave  Macao,  the  Imperial  Commissioner  said  that

                   he  could  not  conclude  a  treaty  with  the  Americans,  if  they  per­

                   sisted  in  disobeying  orders  from  the  Emperor.                  Ch'i-ying  added

                   that  he  had  perused  Cushing•s  abstract  and  found  most  points

                   acceptable.  Privately,  the  Com,�issioner  shrewdly  concluded  that

                   Cushing's  major  purpose  was  to  negotiate  a  commercial  treaty

                   with  China  and  that  the  Minister  used  the  trip  to  Peking  as
                   a  threat  to  insure  that  treaty.               Although  Cushing  did  believe

                   that,  to  obey  his  instructions,  he  must  deliver  the  Presiden�'s

                   letters  to  the  Emperor,  he  was  unwilling  to  prejudice  the  treaty

                   by  an  obstinate  stand  on  a  secondary  point.  He  answered  Ch'i-ying

                   that  he  had  ''concluded  to  yield  on  this  point,  as  the  strongest

                   proof  that  I  could  give  of  a  disposition  to  cultivate  the  friend­

                   ship  of  China."        But  Cushing  also  told  the  Chinese  that,  unless

                   their  negotiations  arrived  at  a  satisfactory  conclusion,  he  would
                   necessari                  d         k.
                               · 1  y  procee  to  Pe  ing.
                               With  the  problem  of  Cushing's  trip  to  Peking  settled,

                   the  discussions  turned  to  the  security  matter.                   Cushing  included

                                  ch'i-ying  also  believed  that  Cushing's  proposed  trip  to
                   Peking  was  an  attempt  to-outdo  the  English.  I-wu-shih-mo:  Tao­
                   kuang,  LXXII,  1-3,  and  Swisher,  Management  of  American  Barbarians,
                   pp.  153-54.
                                  cushing  did  not  like  Governor  Ch'eng  Yu-ts'ai,  espec­
                   ially  the  governor's  presumptious  attitude  in  attempting  to  nego­
                   tiate  with  Cushing.          The  latter  believed  his  mission  to  be  none
                   of  the  governor's  business.  He  therefore  purposely  maintained
                   an  uncompromising  stand  in  correspondence  with  Ch'eng.  Cushing's
                   tone  with  Ch'i-ying  was  much  friendlier.                 The  envoy  explained
                   this  course  of  action  in  Diplomatic  Despatches:  China,  C.  Cushing,
                   Jul.  9  and  15,  1844.
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