Page 453 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 453
erupted in the area of the Foreign Factories. Incited by Com
missioner Lin Tse-hsu's suppression of the opium trade, the
Cantonese did not distinguish between Americans and Englishmen.
The Opium War further catalyzed and strengthened anti-foreign
feelings in the Chinese. During the War the Cantonese directed
these feelings basically at the English. When hostilities
ceased, Cantonese anti-foreignism did not abate. In 1842-44,
several outbursts against foreigners involved Americans as well
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as Englishmen. One of these occurred in May 1 844, while
Cushing resided at Macao. This incident centered on a new
flagstaff, which Cushing had carried to China for the American
consulate at Canton. On top, the flagstaff had "a glittering
arrow whose erratic �ovements the Chinamens isii} superstition
construed into some thing portentious of evil, and they wanted
it down." At the request of several Chinese merchants, Consul
Forbes agreed to remove the vane. But while several Americans
proceeded to do so, a mob attacked the group and attempted to
seize the flagstaff. Very quickly other Americans appeared with
muskets. Subsequently, according to Forbes, "the mob discharged
a volley of stones, when contrary to my orders several muskets
were discharged." The Americans feared that the mob would ran
sack the Factories if not stopped. Finally, "Mandarins with 200
soldiers arrived and restored tranquillity.11
correspondence in 1843 between Consul Forbes and Gov
ernor Ch'i Kung concerning disturbances between Cantonese and
foreigners is in Consular Despatches: Canton, P.S. Forbes, Dec.
2, 1843.
Letter, P.S. Forbes to J.M. Forbes, May 17, 1844,
Forbes MSS.