Page 69 - Christies May 9, 2017 Kensington
P. 69


~67                                                                                 The present jade table screen is an exceptional example of its type,
                                                                                    demonstrating superb quality of carving and a very rare choice of subject
A LARGE CELADON JADE TABLE SCREEN                                                   matter. It is interesting to note the type of ship, which appears to be
QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)                                                         infuenced by European or Middle-Eastern design, and in some cases bears
                                                                                    similarity to Portuguese ships depicted on Japanese renditions of the frst
The rectangular screen is crisply carved to one side with a scene depicting a       contact with foreign envoys. It is possible that the tribute bearers hail from
procession of foreign tribute bearers journeying up a mountainous tree-lined        the Near or Middle East, as there are also similarities evident with Chinese
path with a city gate visible in the distance. The tribute bearers carry treasures  depictions of the Sogdians. The fact that one tribute bearer at the head of
such as a book, a tusk, and a hawk, one is accompanied by a Buddhist lion as        the procession holds a hawk or falcon on a perch may also indicate either
he holds a brocade ball. The reverse is carved with a foreign ship and its crew     Mongolia or the Near and Middle East as their origin, as falconry was a
sailing amidst crashing waves beneath towering clifs. The stone is of an even       cherished skill honed in these regions. Other tribute bearers hold lotus
celadon tone with some minor russet inclusions.                                     fowers, elixir bottles, books, and bowls of fruit. Perhaps the most unusual is
11¡ in. (29 cm.) high, wood stand                                                   the tribute bearer leading a Buddhist lion on a leash as he beckons it with a
                                                                                    brocade ball held aloft in his left hand.
£30,000-50,000                                            $38,000-63,000
                                                          €35,000-58,000            The size of the procession, in addition to both the type of tribute and
                                                                                    impressive vessel used to carry the entourage, suggests that this would
PROVENANCE                                                                          have been an envoy of great importance, perhaps sent to pay tribute to the
                                                                                    emperor himself, and was thus commemorated on the present jade screen.
Sotheby’s London, 24 November 1964, lot 150.
From a private English collection, amassed in the 1960s.                            清乾隆 青玉進寶圖插屏

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