Page 102 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 102

                                                                          TWO LARGE AND RARE POTTERY FIGURES
                                                                          OF COURT LADIES
                                                                          Tang Dynasty
                                                                          The elegant figures standing on a flat base, dressed
                                                                          in long and colourful robes interspersed with red
                                                                          roundels falling into multiple folds to emphasise
                                                                          the graceful sway of the body, the long sleeves
                                                                          concealing their hands, the faces, gracefully
                                                                          modelled with full cheeks, crisply carved mouth and
                                                                          elongated eyes, framed by a similar coiffure drawn
                                                                          up into a overhanging chignon, both figures covered
                                                                          in white slip with traces of sky blue, sea green and
                                                                          coral red pigments.
                                                                          59.3cm (23 3/8in) and 58cm (23 5/8in) high. (2).

                                                                          £60,000 - 100,000
                                                                          CNY540,000 - 890,000

                                                                          唐   陶胎彩繪仕女俑一對

                                                                          Susan Chen (Fine Arts Consultant) Ltd., Hong Kong,
                                                                          14 December 1998
                                                                          Gisèle Croës Arts D’Extreme Orient, Brussels
                                                                          Jean-Yves Ollivier Collection

                                                                          Exhibited, Published and Illustrated:
                                                                          Brussels Oriental Fair, Vol.3, Brussels, 6-10 June
                                                                          2007, pp.14-15


                                                                          Oriental Fair(布魯塞爾東方藝術展)」展出,
                                                                          Gracefully rendered, the elegant ladies wear loose
                                                                          gowns with long sleeves and sport elaborate
                                                                          coiffures which reflected the fashion of the time.

                                                                          The plumpness of the body, conveyed by the full
                                                                          cheeks, dimpled chins and broad chests, is often
                                                                          found in pottery figures and tomb frescoes dating
                                                                          from the 8th century. These features may well have
                                                                          been influenced by the full-figured concubines of
                                                                          Emperor Xuanzong (r. 713-756). The sedentary
                                                                          lifestyle and the greater availability and variety
                                                                          of food delicacies, imported from neighbouring
                                                                          countries, must have prompted an increase in
                                                                          weight among the high-ranking members of Tang
                                                                          society. ‘There is nothing that cannot be eaten’,
                                                                          declared a Tang general in the 8th century. Golden
                                                                          peaches from Samarkand graced the tables of the
                                                                          emperor and his favourites; pistachios, imported

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