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The high-relief motif on the neck of a single-headed dragon with   簋方唇略侈,頸部飾雙身龍紋,龍首居中,身分兩側,雙足前踞,尾
           joint double-bodies splitting into two sides is rare. Compare with   部捲曲,其後飾鳳鳥紋,整條頸飾以雷紋填地。腹部外鼓,飾以直棱
           dragons which encircle the shoulder and lid of a you, illustrated by   紋。鼎身兩側鑄牲首雙耳,耳下垂以方形小珥。高圈足,前後兩面飾
           Chen Peifan, Ancient Chinese Bronzes in the Shanghai Museum,   以兩組S形夔龍紋,以正中出棱對稱分佈。器身覆以青綠皮殼。
           London, 1995, p.57, no.30; and a ding, early Western Zhou dynasty,
           unearthed in Beijing, with similar dragons on its neck and lid,   雙身龍紋十分罕見,大多出現在西周銅器之上。上海博物館所藏一件
           illustrated in Yan State Cemetery of the West Zhou period at Liulihe,   西周提樑卣,肩部及提樑即是此類雙身龍紋,見陳佩芬著,《上海博
           Beijing, 1995, p.110.                             物館藏中國古代青銅器》,倫敦,1995年,頁57,編號30。另有西
           The decoration of vertical ribs emerged during the late Shang period,   墓地》,北京,1995年,頁110。直棱紋裝飾發軔於商代晚期,有據
           as attested by the Che gui, late Shang dynasty, reportedly unearthed   傳出土於安陽的商代晚期車簋可證,見《中國青銅器全集》,卷二,
           in Anyang, Henan Province, illustrated in Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji,   北京,1995年,編號92。直棱紋流行於西周早期至中期,參見美國三
           vol.2, Beijing, 1995, no.92. This form of decoration was especially   藩市亞洲藝術博物館所藏一件西周早期或中期的直棱紋簋,館藏編號
           popular in the early and middle Western Zhou period. Compare with   B60B887,其蓋和和全身皆著此紋;另見陝西白村出土一件西周早期
           a gui, early or middle Western Zhou period, in the Asian Art Museum   簋,腹部亦精飾直棱紋,此二例著錄於《中國青銅器全集》,卷5,
           of San Francisco (, where both lid and body are   北京,1995年,編號57及65。
           decorated with vertical ribs. Another related gui found in Baicun,
           Shaanxi, middle Western Zhou period, is also fully cast with vertical   然而,同時飾有雙身龍紋和直棱紋的青銅簋則頗為稀少,有數例散見
           ribs on its belly. Both examples are illustrated in Zhongguo qingtongqi   於公私收藏。與此件拍品最相似的一件,曾於1965年在紐約亞洲協會
           quanji, vol.5, Beijing, 1996, nos.57 and 65.      展覽,見羅越著,《Relics of Ancient China: From the Collection of Dr.
                                                             Paul Singer(保羅·西格納醫生收藏的中國古代文物)》,紐約,1976
           Ritual bronze gui with similar motifs of dragon on the neck and ribbed   年,編號39。另有一件紐約大都會博物館所藏西周早期帶蓋直棱紋簋
           belly are rare. However, there are several related gui with similar forms   可資參考,館藏編號49.135.6a,b。形制相近而裝飾相異的例子可參考
           and ribbed motifs in important museums and private collections.   賽克勒舊藏一件簋,見Jessica Rawson著,《Western Zhou Bronzes
           Compare with a very similar gui, Western Zhou dynasty, which was   in the Arthur M. Sackler Collections(賽克勒藏西周青銅禮器)》,卷
           exhibited at Asia House Gallery, New York, 1965, see M.Loehr, and   二,麻省劍橋,編號49;及坂本五郎所藏一件西周早期直棱紋簋,見
           P.Singer, Relics of Ancient China: From the Collection of Dr. Paul   林巳奈夫著,《不言堂坂本五郎中國青銅器清賞》,東京,2002年,
           Singer, New York, 1976, no.39. Compare also with a lidded gui, early   頁120,編號154。
           Western Zhou dynasty, with similar form, foot and handles as well
           as vertical ribs on the globular belly, in the Metropolitan Museum of
           Art, New York, (,b). Another related gui with different
           motifs on the neck and foot is in the Sackler Collection, is illustrated
           by J.Rawson, Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler
           Collections, vol.2, Cambridge MA, 1990, no.49. A fourth related
           gui from the collection of Sakamoto Gorō, is illustrated by Takayasu
           Higuchi and Minao Hyashi in Ancient Chinese bronzes in the Sakamoto
           Collection, Tokyo, 2002, p.120, no.154.

           Image after Relics of Ancient China: From the Collection
           of Dr. Paul Singer, New York 1976, no.39

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