Page 94 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 94



                      Sir Herbert Ingram (1875-1958)      Lady Hilda Ingram

           Sir Herbert Ingram (1875-1958) donated over 3,000 pieces of  赫伯特.英格拉姆爵士生於收藏世家,祖上人材輩出,祖父
           Chinese and Japanese art objects to the Museum of Eastern  為倫敦新聞畫報創辦人。1956年,赫伯特.英格拉姆爵士暨
           Art in 1956, which in 1962 were moved to become part of the  希爾達爵士夫人捐贈三千餘件中國及日本藝術品予東方藝術
           collection  of the  Ashmolean  Museum, Oxford. Sir  Herbert’s  博物館,該館期後於1962年搬遷並成為牛津阿什莫林博物館
           grandfather founded the  Illustrated London News and came  一部份。
           from a family of collectors. In 1908, he visited Japan on his
           honeymoon, and spent three months there hunting for ‘curios’.  1908年,夫婦兩人訪日共渡蜜月,逗留三月期間一直蒐購
           During this time, he and his wife bought over a thousand pieces,  古玩,最後入藏過千件器物,大部分藏品成為日後贈予博物
           many of which formed part of the donation to the museum. A  館的捐獻。返英數年後,赫伯特爵士開始對中國陶瓷萌生興
           few years after his return to England, Sir Herbert began to turn  趣,並於後續二十載間慢慢建立起一組宋代及更早時期的青
           his interest towards Chinese ceramics. During the following two  釉陶瓷收藏。此組藏品以及為數不少的中國高古玉器銅器皆
           decades he assembled a renowned collection of greenwares  於1956年捐贈予牛津阿什莫林博物館。
           and other ceramics from the Song dynasty and earlier. These,
           along with numerous early Chinese jades and bronzes he had
           collected, also came to the museum in 1956.

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