Page 14 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 14

                               FOR PEACE AND CONSERVATION

                                                                                 © Allan Warren

                                         His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent GCVO

           During his long career as a business man travelling throughout Africa,  The four key sectors of the Foundation’s activities are currently
           Jean-Yves Ollivier witnessed a great deal of hardship and deprivation  represented by:
           among the different populations he visited. As a part of his personal
           mission  to  develop  self-sustaining  local  economies,  diminish  conflict,  THE CONGO BASIN BLUE FUND
           and generate better health at a macro level on the sub-Continent, he  The Congo and its tributaries are a vital resource for all the countries
           founded the non-for-profit Brazzaville Foundation to support a variety of  of the Congo Basin. The Basin holds 8% of the world’s forest-based
           local initiatives. He himself chairs the Foundation with an experienced  carbon so it also has a key role to play in helping to prevent global
           Board of Trustees, supported by a Chief Executive and by an interna-  warming.  Generating  sustainable  economic  development  for  the
           tional Advisory Board made up of highly-distinguished individuals whose  peoples of the region while reducing deforestation should be therefore
           experience and expertise enables them to give guidance to the Foun-  be seen not only as a top priority for the Congo Basin countries but as
           dation and assist it in its work. The Foundation Patron is HRH Prince  a global priority as well.
           Michael of Kent GCVO.
                                                             The Foundation’s proposal for a Congo Basin Blue Fund was launched
           In line with his long-term commitment to financially support his well-  at the world climate change conference, COP 22, in Marrakesh in
           established charitable Foundation, Jean-Yves Ollivier has pledged that  2016, and now has the support of all the countries of the Congo Basin
           a proportion of the revenue from this sale will be apportioned to projects  and the endorsement of the African Union. This is a major sustainable
           supported by the Foundation.                      development initiative designed to reduce pressure to exploit the forests
                                                             of the Congo Basin and thus mitigate the impact of global warming
           The Foundation’s Mission is explicit:             by promoting alternative economic development using the resources of
                                                             the Congo River and its tributaries. Work is now under way to turn this
           Our goal is to help meet some of the key challenges facing the  concept into an effective financial instrument.
           African continent by developing environmental, economic and conflict
           prevention initiatives that support the UN’s sustainable development
           goals and bring countries and people together in peaceful cooperation.

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