Page 15 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 15
Mr Nelson Mandela and Mr Jean-Yves Ollivier
THE FALSIFIED MEDICINES INITIATIVE As part of its commitment to dialogue-building, the Foundation has been
The Foundation is working to highlight the growing public health working to bring together Libyans from across the political spectrum,
crisis caused by the traffic in substandard and falsified medicines. including long-standing opponents, based on the conviction that only
This is a serious problem throughout the developing world but is by agreeing to talk to each other can Libyans rebuild trust, reconcile
particularly acute in Africa where the WHO has reported that 30-60% their differences and lay the foundations for a stable and peaceful future.
of pharmaceuticals sold in Africa are fake. In 2013 it was estimated that
120,000 African children had died because of the use of fraudulent anti- With the support of the Senegalese government, the Foundation organ-
malarial and other medicines. In March 2018, in partnership with the ised a meeting in Dakar on 11th-13th May 2018 which enabled a wide
Harvard Global Health Institute and the London School of Hygiene and range of Libyans to meet, many for the first time, and start a process of
Tropical Medicine, the Foundation organised a major conference at the rapprochement which is essential if negotiations on a political settlement
Wellcome Trust in London: “Medicines that lie: a deadly public health are to succeed.
crisis”. The conference agreed that this issue should be a new global
priority and that failure to end the traffic in substandard and falsified CONSERVATION WORK
medicines will fatally undermine the drive to ensure Universal Health The Foundation has partnered with the NGO ‘Stop Ivory’ to promote the
Care as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Elephant Protection Initiative (EPI). This initiative, launched by Botswana,
Foundation is now working on follow-up. Chad, Ethiopia, Gabon and Tanzania, brings together African states,
intergovernmental organisations, NGOs, private sector and private
CONFLICT PREVENTION WORK citizens to work in partnership to protect African elephants by stopping
The Foundation is involved in conflict prevention because experience poaching and the illegal ivory trade.
has shown that independent, impartial and discreet efforts to build
dialogue and understanding are vital in achieving peaceful solutions to The Foundation is currently exploring the possibility of a major cross-
potential conflicts in Africa and further afield. The Foundation aims to act border conservation project in Central Africa.
as an honest broker, helping protagonists to find ways to talk to each
other and arrive at a common basis for a peaceful future. For further information about the Foundation, please visit the website: