Page 33 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 33

The present lot is a testament to the exceptional craftsmanship   盃圓口,流凸起, 流口雕交花,口沿另外三面各雕三螭龍窺探盃內,
           of rhinoceros horn carving achieved in the late Ming to the early   雙柄,盃口沿下雕回紋一周,其下三面雕旋火紋,盃身四面正中雕饕
           Qing dynasty. The archaistic decoration of taotie masks, chilong,   餮紋,雷紋為地,左右兩面各雕高浮雕螭龍一隻,正面正中出齒棱,
           and florettes was adopted from ancient bronzes, reflecting the late   再下淺浮雕如意雲紋,盃身向下斜收於外撇之圈足,足緣雕雷紋一
           Ming and early Qing trend of ‘evidential scholarship’ (kaoju xue 考  周。
           據學) not only drawing from ancient texts, but also archaeology and
           inscriptions on archaic bronzes, as scholars sought an empirical   此拍品為明末清初犀角雕之卓越代表。饕餮紋、螭龍紋、雷紋及回紋
           approach to understanding their ancient heritage. This interest   等高古紋飾源自早期青銅器。明末以來,考據學繼宋代之後又達一
           influenced craftmanship as evident in the present lot. Similar whorl-  個高峰, 學者們不僅著力於高古銅器的銘文和考釋,更試圖以實證
           circle medallions can be found on a bronze lei, 12th-11th century BC,   方法追溯三代以來的傳承。此拍品便是這一風氣影響的實例。類似
           illustrated by R.Bagley, Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M.Sackler   的旋火紋廣見於商代青銅器,如R.Bagley著, 《Shang Ritual Bronzes
           Collections, Cambridge MA, 1987, pp.424-425, no.76.    in the Arthur M.Sackler Collections(賽克勒藏商代禮器)》,麻省劍
           Compare with a related but larger rhinoceros horn libation cup,
           17th century, carved with archaistic taotie masks and with chilong,   可參考一件定為十七世紀的犀角觥形盃,較本拍品略大,亦雕饕餮紋
           illustrated by J.Chapman, The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in   和螭龍,見J.Chapman著,《The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in
           China, London, 1999, p.140, pl.158.               China(中國犀角雕藝術)》,倫敦,1999年,頁140,圖版158;另
           See a related rhinoceros horn archaistic ‘chilong’ libation cup,   港,1999年,頁75,編號28。相關他例可比較一隻雕螭龍的犀角盃,
           17th/18th century, which was sold at Bonhams Hong Kong, 29 May   定為十七或十八世紀,2018年5月29日售於香港邦瀚斯,拍品52號。
           2018, lot 52.

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