Page 81 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 81

           A PUDDINGSTONE CARVING OF A LION  Introduced into China from Central Asia as   坐像圓雕而成,獅口大張作吼,怒目圓睜,
           Tang Dynasty                      symbols of religious power, probably following   腮毛後撇,雙耳後伏,鬃毛蝸卷,筋肉鮮明
           The powerfully carved figure shown seated on   the introduction of Buddhism during the Han   強健。
           its haunches with forelegs outstretched, the   dynasty, lions became significant protective
           head facing forward with a fierce expression   emblems within high-ranking architecture.   獅子造像隨佛教傳入中國,常作為力量的象
           conveyed by bulging eyes and mouth open   The Buddha Shakyamuni was seen after birth   徵,護衛法場。「獅吼」代表了守護及攝持
           in a roar showing the teeth and up-curled   pointing to Heaven with one hand and to   正法,饒益安樂一切眾生。紐約大都會博物
           tongue, the ears flattened back above the   Earth with the other, ‘roaring like a lion’ and   館藏有一件抱子石獅吼像,和本件拍品頗
           curling mane, the lower part of the forelegs and  Buddhists regarded lions as divine creatures   似,見L.Roberts著,《Treasures from the
           rectangular base later, wood replacements.    of nobleness and protectors of the Truth.    Metropolitan Museum of Art(大都會博物館珍
           15cm (5 7/8in) high. (2).                                          寶)》,紐約,1979年,編號28。尤莫弗普
                                             Compare with a similar pudding stone   勒斯舊藏,現藏大英博物館的一件類似獅子像
           £4,000 - 6,000                    model of a seated lion, Tang dynasty, in the   亦資參考,見L.Ashton著,《 An Introduction
           CNY36,000 - 54,000                Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,   to the Study of Chinese Sculpture(中國雕塑
                                             illustrated by L.Roberts, Treasures from the   導論)》,倫敦,1924年,圖版50。
           唐 抱子石雕坐獅像                         Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1979,
                                             no.28. Another puddingstone lion,
           Provenance:                       Tang dynasty, formerly in the George
           The Adolfo de Velasco Collection, Marrakech   Eumorfopoulos Collection and currently in the
           Jean-Yves Ollivier Collection     British Museum, is illustrated by L.Ashton,
                                             An Introduction to the Study of Chinese
           來源:                               Sculpture, London, 1924, pl.50.
           摩洛哥馬拉喀什藏家Adolfo de Velasco先生

           For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.  THE OLLIVIER COLLECTION OF EARLY CHINESE ART  |  79
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