Page 83 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 83

Arthur M.Sackler (1913-1987)

           Arthur M.Sackler  was an American psychiatrist, art collector,  阿瑟·M·賽克勒先生,美國精神學家、收藏家、以及慈善
           and philanthropist whose fortune originated in medical  家,早年以醫療推廣及醫學期刊生意致富。賽克勒由1940年
           advertising and trade publications. He began collecting art in  代開始蒐藏古物,其收藏涵蓋多個地域範疇,包括中國、印
           the 1940s. His collection was composed of tens of thousands  度、中東、文藝復興時期以及美洲大陸藝術。另外,賽克勒
           of works including Chinese, Indian, and Middle Eastern as well  先生對藝術文教事業亦頗為熱心,先後於紐約大都會博物館
           as Renaissance and pre-Columbian art. He founded galleries  及普林斯頓大學藝術博物館籌建藝廊,並捐建麻省劍橋哈佛
           at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Princeton University, the  大學賽克勒博物館。
           Arthur M. Sackler Museum at Harvard University in Cambridge,
           Massachusetts, and the Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art  賽克勒對中國高古青銅器情有獨鍾,歷年以來蒐購的藏品於
           and Archaeology. In 1987, the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery of  1982年捐贈予史密森學會,成為現今世上其中一個最大及最
           the Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D.C. was opened  重要的中國古代藝術收藏。1987年賽克勒因病逝世,數月後
           months after his death. Sackler had a particular interest though  位於華盛頓特區的阿瑟·M·賽克勒美術館開幕,由史密森學
           in archaic Chinese bronzes and his collection of Chinese art  會管理營運,而北京大學賽克勒藝術及考古博物館則於1993
           that was donated to the Smithsonian was considered one  年竣工開幕。
           of the largest collections of ancient Chinese art in the world.
           Following his death, The Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and
           Archaeology, was opened at Peking University in 1993.

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