Page 23 - Rassmusen Asian Art, November 29, 2022
P. 23

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                                              A Tibetan gilt copper alloy figure of Hvashang - the patron to the                                                       A pair of carved bamboo foo dog form cups. Both
                                              Sixteen Great Elders, he is seated pot bellied with legs in relaxed                                                      dogs in lying position and originally holding a ball
                                              pose on a square cushion, his mouth is open and the face has a                                                           between the front paws, now lacking; both with a
                                              benevolent expression, in his right hand a mala, in the left a sphere                                                    crawling puppy on their backs. Reverse revealing a gilt
                                              possibly a fruit offering, around him sits and crawls children. Sealed.                                                  striped red lacquer hollow. Qing dynasty 18th century.
                                              18th century. Weight 543 g. H. 10 cm.                                                                                    L. 18 cm. Carved dark wood stands included. (2)
                                              Provenance: From Captain Svend Prip, East Asiatic Company (ØK). He                                                       Provenance: The collection of Danish antique dealer Lau
                                              sailed in the East from 1918 to c. 1925.                                                                                 Sunde, 1910-79.  DKK 30,000–50,000 / € 4,050–6,700

                                              From a set of the sixteen Great Arhats, and this sculpture would have                                                    一对竹雕狮子,清代18世纪。(一对)
                                              belonged  to  a set that  includes  a Rahula,  sold at  Bonhams,  Paris, 4                                               来历:丹麦古董商Lau Sunde,1910-1979。
                                              October 2022, a Kalika, sold at Bonhams, New York, 14 March 2017,
                                              lot 3205, and two others in the Zimmerman and Essen Collection in                                                            估价: 30.000-50.000 丹麦克朗 (4.050-6.700欧元)
                                              Museum der Kulturen, Basel and the Zimmerman Family Collection
                                              (HAR 3314748 & 85073).

                                              The figure is marked with a number in the back and on the bottom plate
                                              that would indicate its place in the assembly.
                                                                        DKK 30,000–40,000 / € 4,050–5,400

                                              来历:Svend Prip船长,1918-1925年曾远航东亚。
                                                             估价: 30.000-40.000 丹麦克朗 (4.050-5.400欧元)


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