Page 61 - Rassmusen Asian Art, November 29, 2022
P. 61

                                                                                                                                                          A Chinese gilt copper alloy figure of White Tara with eyes on her fore-
                                                                                                                                                          head, in hands and foot soles, she is seated in dhyanasana on a double
                                                                                                                                                          lotus throne, dressed in flowing garments, richly bejewelled and with
                                                                                                                                                          a five petalled crown, the right hand is in the varada mudra, the left
                                                                                                                                                          raised, both hands hold a stem, shoulders flanked by lotus flowers. Not
                                                                                                                                                          sealed. 17th/18th century. Weight 734 g. H. 12.5 cm.
                                                                                                                                                                                      DKK 30,000–40,000 / € 4,050–5,400

                                                                                                                                                                           估价: 30.000-40.000 丹麦克朗 (4.050-5.400欧元)

           From the Collection of John Marsing (1918-1998)

           Lots 45 to 89 come from the collection of John Marsing (1918-1998). John Marsing
           was only 20 when he established his company Marsing & Co. in the chemical and
           pharmaceutical industry. Over the next 30 years, the company expanded from two
           to 300 employees and became an international company with branches in Europe,
           Canada and Korea. Even so, Marsing found time to establish a large collection of
           mainly Himalayan art focusing on figures of quality. Most of them remained outside
           the public eye, but lots 71, 83 and 88 were catalogued by Ulrich von Schroeder in his
           monumental publication from 1981 entitled “Indo Tibetan Bronzes”.

           来自John Marsing (1918-1998)的收藏

           第45至89号拍品来自John Marsing (1918-1998)的收藏。John Marsing刚年仅20就已
           建立了他的Marsing & Co.化学制药公司,在后来的30年中,该公司从两人发展到300
           中的大部分从未公示于众,但71,83和88号曾被Ulrich von Schroeder在他1981年出
           版的不朽的《印度. 西藏青铜器》一书中被编入了目录。下列拍品即是来自于Marsing


           60                                                                                                            BRUUN RASMUSSEN LIVE AUCTION 911 - ASIAN AND ISLAMIC ART
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