Page 134 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 134
The Property of a Gentleman 士紳藏品
181 清雍正 青花纏枝花卉紋蒜頭大瓶 青花「大清雍正年製」篆書款
A rare and important blue and white
garlic-mouth vase 瓶蒜頭,束頸,圓折肩,弧腹漸收,圈足。通身以青花裝飾九層紋
Yongzheng seal mark and of the period 飾,口沿飾纏枝菊花紋,頸部飾蕉葉紋上下相對,每組蕉葉紋由長短
Superbly potted with tapering sides rising to a steep shoulder, the 蕉葉相互重疊,極具層次感,頸部下部繪折枝蓮及迴紋。瓶肩部則飾
waisted neck ending in a bulbous garlic mouth, the main body 如意花卉紋、纏枝蓮紋及折枝花,肩部下方飾方形蕉葉紋一周。瓶腹
decorated with interlocking lotus, pomegranate, peony, camellia and 部滿飾纏枝花,近足處飾海水紋。底青花書「大清雍正年製」篆書
seasonal flowers alternating in two tiers, brilliantly drawn with spiraling 款。
tendrils and resting between a band of stiff lappets and a frieze of
classic waves, the shoulder exhibiting a chain of alternating flower
heads encircled by circular and ruyi-head borders, above a band of
twelve stylised lotus sprays and keyfret scrolls, the neck rendered
with further interlocking lappets and downward ruyi-heads ending in
a collar of interspersed circular flower heads with curly tendrils, all in
various tones of rich cobalt blue above a slightly milky-white ground,
the base with a six-character zhuanshu seal mark, wood stand.
55cm (21 5/8in) high (2).
HK$6,000,000 - 8,000,000
US$770,000 - 1,000,000
Provenance 來源:
From the collection of Yoneo Sakai (1900-1978)
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