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Images courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing
Yoneo Sakai (1900-1978) was one of Japan’s most highly respected The present vase arguably encapsulates the very finest of imperial
journalists and foreign correspondents. Born in Saga prefecture, he Yongzheng period porcelain production painted in underglaze blue
studied literature at Kansai Gakuin and Meiji Gakuin, and joined the and white. The relatively short Yongzheng period was a peak of
Kokusai joho sha as an editor of motion pictures and drama (eiga innovation in form and refinement in design and execution. The
to engi). He moved to San Francisco in 1926 where he contributed garlic-mouth section of the vase is clearly inspired by early Ming
to Japanese language newspapers in San Francisco, Los Angeles dynasty blue and white moonflasks, bianhu of the Yongle and Xuande
and New York. From 1931 he worked as a foreign correspondent for periods; the high-walled body is similar in shape to fishbowls; the
Asahi shimbun, covering the civil war in Spain in 1937, and traveling wide shoulders would have been a necessity in combining the two
to Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Italy, Germany, Palestine and China former features; altogether accomplishing a striking and elegant form,
from 1937 to 1939. He was interned at the Granada Relocation creating a decorative canvas both around the imposing body, the wide
Center during World War II, and taught Japanese at the University of shoulders and neck. The distinctiveness of the three main sections
Colorado until 1948. In 1949 he and his family moved to Washington of the vessel, i.e. body, shoulders and neck, has been emphasised
D.C., where he resumed his journalism career, working as a foreign by the two moulded borders portioning the parts and decorative
correspondent for major newspapers, wire services and magazines schemes, between the body and shoulders and the shoulders and
in Japan during the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson neck, with the additional result of creating a further layer of three-
administrations until his death in 1978. He hosted a radio show, dimensionality in the vessel.
America dayori (News from America), where he interviewed Presidents
Kennedy, Johnson, and Ernest Hemingway, and covered the Vietnam The importance of the vase and intricate design is illustrated in the
war during the Johnson and early Nixon administrations. He became a unusually large number of different borders – 11 different bands
U.S. citizen in 1956. (excluding the double lines). These like the garlic-head form, are
inspired by Yuan and early Ming dynasty designs: the crashing waves
Information courtesy of the UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library, can be seen on Yuan guan jars and Yongle flasks (showing related
Department of Special Collections. whirl designs), see The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
Museum: Blue and White Porcelain with Underglaze Red (I), Beijing,
This magnificent garlic-head vase is extraordinarily rare and the only 2010, pls.5 (Yuan guan), 36 (Yongle flask); for a related composite
other known example is in the Palace Museum, Beijing from the Qing floral scroll, painted with 12 main blooms, see ibid., pl.5 (Yongle flask);
Court Collection: see a very similar blue and white garlic-mouth vase, compare related floral scrolls below the rim of a blue and white zun,
Yongzheng seal mark and of the period, illustrated in The Complete Yongle, illustrated ibid., pl.46; and a lotus scroll on the exterior of a
Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Blue and White Yongle shallow bowl, ibid., pl.55; see also the double-lined lobed
Porcelain with Underglazed Red (III), Beijing, 2010, pl.93. The Qing lappets, illustrated ibid., pl.94 on a Xuande flask. However, the almost
Court Collection vase and the present lot demonstrate slight variations ‘baroque like’ border around the shoulders of alternating circular and
in the distinctive descending lappet band below the shoulder and in lobed cartouches would appear to be a distinct innovation of the
the choice of moulded decoration in the key-fret band below the neck. Yongzheng period and arguably a unique feature exclusive to this type
This form is further recorded by Geng Baochang in Ming Qing ciqi of vase. The decorative triumph of the vase and its design lies not only
jianding, Hong Kong, 1993, p.236, fig.12. in the exceptional quality of the painting and extravagant design, but
also in the ‘negative space’, allowing a breathing space to admire the
This form and design continued onto the Qianlong period; compare a various borders and importantly the lustrous glaze over the porcelain
similar blue and white garlic-mouth vase, Qianlong seal mark and of body, underlining the pure feat of successful firing of what is a highly
the period, from the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated ibid., pl.121. complex form of imposing proportions.
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