Page 168 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 168


The Property of a Gentleman 士紳藏品
Lots 190 - 193

190                                                                        191
A famille rose turquoise ground ‘shou and bats’                            A pair of iron-red ‘dragon’ wine cups
cup; a famille rose ‘baxjixiang’ cup; and a coral                          Guangxu six-character marks and of the period
ground ‘bamboo’ bowl                                                       Each thinly and crisply potted, finely enamelled around the exterior in
Tongzhi four-character mark and of the period; Xuantong six-character      iron-red depicting two ferocious five-clawed dragons in flight chasing
mark and of the period; Guangxu six-character mark and of the period       after flaming pearls, all amidst flaming clouds and above a band of
The first cup enamelled with four bats and shou characters, evenly         crashing waves at the foot, each with a six-character kaishu mark at
interspersed between stylised leafy lotus blossoms and buds on             the base.
a turquoise ground, the base with a four-character kaishu mark;            Each 6cm (2 3/8in) diam. (2).
the ‘bajixiang’ cup with four pairs of evenly interspersed Buddhist
Emblems, each decorated with leafy tendrils, the base with a six-          HK$40,000 - 60,000
character kaishu mark; the rich coral-red-ground bowl with white leafy     US$5,200 - 7,700
bamboo rising as a trailing cluster from the tapering foot, the base with
a six-character kaishu mark.                                               清光緒 礬紅雙龍戲珠紋小杯一對
8.4cm (3 1/4in) diam.; 8.4cm (3 1/4in) diam.; 18cm (7 1/8in) diam. (3).    礬紅「大清光緒年製」楷書款

HK$50,000 - 80,000                                                         Provenance 來源:
US$6,400 - 10,000                                                          S.Marchant & Son Ltd., London, 1991
                                                                           An Australian private collection
清同治 粉彩松石綠地福壽紋杯 礬紅「同治年製」楷書款
清宣統 粉彩八吉祥紋杯 礬紅「大清宣統年製」楷書款                                                  Published 出版:
清光緒 珊瑚紅地竹紋盌 礬紅「大清光緒年製」楷書款                                                  S.Marchant & Son Ltd., Exhibition of Nineteenth Century Mark and
                                                                           Period Porcelain, London, p.63, no.68
Provenance 來源:
An Australian private collection                                           The dragons on iron-red wine cups of the Guangxu reign, such as the
                                                                           present lot, are typically depicted with large heads on thin necks and
Exhibited 展覽:                                                              long sinuous bodies. The band of cresting waves above the foot from
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Late Chinese Imperial Porcelain,           this period is also characteristically naively rendered. Compare with
Sydney, 2 August 1980 - 28 September 1980 (Tongzhi and Xuantong            very similar pairs of wine cups sold in our London rooms, one on 6
cups)                                                                      November 2008, lot 21, and another a pair on 15 May 2014, lot 80.

Published 出版:                                                              相關例子可參考倫敦邦瀚斯,2008年11月6日,拍品編號21;和2014
H.Myrtle, Late Chinese Imperial Porcelain, Sydney, 1980, p.27, no.36       年5月15日,拍品編號80。
(one of a pair, the Tongzhi cup); p.38, no.58 (the Xuantong cup)

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