Page 64 - Jades from the Chang We Hwa collection Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 64

2740 Continued
         The dragon on the current jade huang has long scrolling snout,   青玉,沁為斑斕的灰白、深褐與灰黑色斑點。扇面形,似半璧
         which can be found on other jade ornaments of the Warring   而略長,扁平體,厚薄不一,似為新石器時代的半璧璜改製而
         States period. See one jade kui dragon pendant excavated from   成。輪廓外圍卷雲紋及斜方格紋,其內對稱鏤雕捲曲狀龍,虺
         Changtaiguan no.1 tomb, Xinyang County, Henan Province,   及鳳紋,並以陰線雕琢曲線紋、卷雲紋及斜方格紋做器表裝飾。
         now in the National Museum of China, illustrated in Zhongguo
         yuqi quanji, Volume 1, Shijiazhuang, 2005,  二龍鼻相對處有一弧形凹陷,似供穿繫懸掛用。下方寬邊左右
         There is a semicircle in-between the two dragons on the arc,   可能用以聯繫其他玉飾。
         which suggest the jade may designed for suspension. The two
         holes along the bottom side may have been drilled to connect   本器上所飾之龍喙長而捲曲,龍爪拳曲。 亦見於同時期其他玉
         to other jade ornaments.                          珮。比較一河南省信陽縣長臺關 1 號墓的玉雙夔龍紋珮,現存
                                                           2005 年,石家莊,圖版 251 號。

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