Page 166 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 12, 2015
P. 166


THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN 士紳藏品                                         THE PROPERTY OF A LADY 女士藏品

180 * Y                                                                  181 Y
                                                                         A RHINOCEROS HORN ‘MAGNOLIA, LINGZHI AND BAMBOO’
17th/18th century                                                        17th century
The deeply-hollowed cup formed as an open magnolia flower and            The exterior of the amber-toned horn smoothly carved in relief with a
carved in high relief on the exterior with smaller blossoms all issuing  delicate cluster of lingzhi springing forth from a central stem, a single
from a delicate leafy branch encircling the cup to form the base.        sprig of bamboo and an open magnolia flower and smaller blossoms
8cm (3 1/8in) high                                                       all issuing from a delicate leafy branch forming part of the openwork
                                                                         handle extending to the foot, the interior plain except for a ridge
£25,000 - 30,000       CNY240,000 - 290,000                              imitating a leaf vein. 16.2cm (6 3/8in) long
HK$290,000 - 350,000	

十七/十八世紀 犀角玉蘭花紋盃                                                          £6,000 - 8,000       CNY58,000 - 77,000
                                                                         HK$71,000 - 94,000	
Provenance: a Scottish private collection
A European private collection                                            十七世紀 犀角花卉靈芝紋盃

來源: 蘇格蘭私人收藏                                                              Provenance: an English private collection
                                                                         來源: 英國私人收藏
The magnolia is a symbol of feminine beauty and charm, and is a
popular subject for rhinoceros horn as its trumpet-shaped flowers        Compare a related larger rhinoceros horn ‘magnolia’ libation cup,
lend themselves to the restrictions of the natural shape of the horn. A  early Ming dynasty, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures
related cup from the collection of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin,   of the Palace Museum: Bamboo, Wood, Ivory and Rhinoceros Horn
is illustrated in J.Chapman, The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in       Carvings, Beijing, 2001, pl.110. A related rhinoceros horn libation cup
China, London, 1999, pp.166-167. Compare a similar rhinoceros horn       sold in these rooms on 7 November 2013, lot 90.
libation cup, sold in these rooms on 10 November 2011, lot 439.
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