Page 81 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 12, 2015
P. 81

83                                                Provenance: the Jeannette Claude Jongen         As noted by D.Weldon and J.C.Singer in
A RARE SILVER FIGURE OF NARO                      collection of Buddhist Art                      The Sculptural Heritage of Tibet: Buddhist
DAKINI                                                                                            Art in the Nyingjei Lam Collection, London,
Tibeto-Chinese, 18th century                      Published and Illustrated: A.Neven, Etudes      1999, p.124, illustrating a related silver figure
The deity striding in alidhasana on a gilt        D’Art Lamaique et de L’Himalaya, Brussels,      of Mahapratisara, 17th century - silver, a
bronze base cast with two prostrate human         1978, p.110, pl.8 (the catalogue is offered as  precious metal - was used only rarely and
figures and sealed with a double vajra,           part of the lot).                               apparently for special commissions in Tibet.
holding a curved knife in her outstretched                                                        See also a related but earlier silver figure of
right hand and a skull cup in the left, clad in   來源: Jeannette Claude Jongen夫人珍藏                 Yi-dam Cakrasamvara, Tibet, 17th century,
various beaded jewellery and a garland of         佛教藝術品                                           with a gilt stand and mandorla, illustrated
skulls about her neck, her wrathful face with                                                     by H.Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightment: The
three eyes surmounted by a foliate tiara of       收錄及出版: A.Neven, Etudes D’Art                    Berti Aschmann Foundation of Tibetan Art at
skull heads, her hair piled into a high chignon,  Lamaique et de L’Himalaya, 布魯塞爾, 1978           the Rietberg Zurich, Zurich, 1995, pl.112.
surrounded by a gilt copper halo of flames.       年, 頁110, 圖8 (此拍品將附贈圖錄一冊)
20cm (7 7/8in) overall height (3).                                                                A related rare silver figure of Usnisavijaya on
                                                                                                  a gilt-copper pedestal, 17th century, sold in
£10,000 - 12,000                                                                                  these rooms on 6 November 2014, lot 366.
HK$120,000 - 140,000
CNY97,000 - 120,000

漢藏十八世紀 銀空行母背光立像

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