Page 83 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 12, 2015
P. 83

86                                                                      Provenance: the Jeannette Claude Jongen collection of Buddhist Art
AVALOKITESVARA                                                          Published and Illustrated: A.Neven, Etudes D’Art Lamaique et de
Tibet, circa 16th century                                               L’Himalaya, Brussels, 1978, p.109, pl.5 (the catalogue is offered as
The four-armed deity seated in dhyanasana on a beaded double lotus      part of the lot).
base, the main hands in anjalimudra, the others holding a lotus flower
and prayer beads, wearing an elegant dhoti incised with scrolling       來源: Jeannette Claude Jongen夫人珍藏佛教藝術品
borders and beaded jewellery, the face with a serene expression and
head crowned with an elaborate foliate tiara surrounding the hair       收錄及出版: A.Neven, Etudes D’Art Lamaique et de L’Himalaya,
swept in a topknot surmounted by the head of Amitabha, the base         布魯塞爾, 1978年, 頁109, 圖5 (此拍品將附贈圖錄一冊)
sealed and incised with a double vajra. 21.4cm (8 3/8in) high
                                                                        A related but smaller gilt bronze figure of Sadaksari Avalokitesvara,
£9,000 - 12,000        CNY87,000 - 120,000                              Tibet, 15th century, was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 1-2 June
HK$110,000 - 140,000	                                                   2015, lot 661.

西藏約十六世紀 赤銅鎏金四手觀世音菩薩坐像
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