Page 96 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 12, 2015
P. 96


101                                                                        THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN 士紳藏品
Tibet, 16th century                                                        102
Finely cast seated in dhyanasana on a double-lotus base with beaded        A RARE GILT REPOUSSÉ FIGURE OF SHADAKSARI-
rims, holding the kalasa, richly adorned with jewellery and headdress      AVALOKITESVARA
inlaid with turquoise, his lower body clad in a fitted dhoti secured by a  16th century
belt, the tranquil face with downcast eyes beneath sloping brows, the      The four-armed figure seated in dhyanasana, the primary hands
forehead with a central raised urna, crowned with a foliate tiara.         held before the chest in anjali mudra in front of his hearth, the other
14.5cm (5 6/8in) high                                                      two respectively holding a lotus and in vitaka mudra, dressed in a
£7,000 - 9,000                                                             diaphanous dhoti incised with foliate patterns, adorned with multiple
HK$82,000 - 110,000                                                        beaded necklaces, earrings and armlets, the face serene in a
CNY68,000 - 87,000                                                         meditative expression with downcast eyes and the third eye inlaid with
西藏十六世紀 銅鎏金無量壽佛坐像                                                           a turquoise, wearing an elaborate tiara inlaid with hardstones, the hair
                                                                           piled into a high chignon, resting on a later wood pedestal.
94 | BONHAMS                                                               45cm (17 6/8in) overall height (2).

                                                                           £30,000 - 40,000
                                                                           HK$350,000 - 470,000
                                                                           CNY290,000 - 390,000

                                                                           十六世紀 銅觀世音菩薩坐像

                                                                           Provenance: acquired from A&J Speelman Ltd., London, 4 November
                                                                           A British private collection

                                                                           來源: 於2011年11月4日購自倫敦古董商A&J Speelman Ltd.
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