Page 73 - Fine Classical Chinese Paintings SOthebys Hong Kong April 1 2019
P. 73


            praises and bonuses. He practiced there for   Yu Xing’s paintings that can be found in the   should be noted that the motif “Fish and Algae”
            thirty years, and retired due to old age.”  Precious Collection of the Stone Canal Pavilion    was commonly found on ceramics products
                                              few and far between in the art market. Fish   produced at the imperial kilns.
            According to an archive record from the
            Imperial workshop  for the year 1737 (2  year   Pond, literally reads Fish and Algae in Chinese, is
            of Qianlong’s reign), Yu Xing was recommended   one such rare work. “Fish and Algae” originated   This ink-and-colour painting depicts nine
                                                                                kinds fish swimming among the algae, and are
                                              from the Shijing (Classic of Poetry), in the
            to the Imperial Household in the sixth lunar   Xiaoya, of which “Fish and Algae” is among the   accompanied by shrimps, clams, and toads
            month of that year, “On the 12  day of this
            month, Director Samuha, Eunuchs Hu Shi Jie   “ten poems following Fish and Algae.” The poem   in Xuande paper. In the margin of the work,
            and Gao Yu passed on the Emperor’s decree:   portrays the peaceful scene in the Western   the painter inscribed “painted by Yu Xing” and
                                              Zhou Dynasty capital, Haojing (near present-
                                                                                imprinted with his two personal seals “Yu” and
            Zhao Chuan and Hai Wang, shall provide   day Xi’an). It reads,      “Xing.” In the body of the painting, Emperor
            painters Baiitangga and Wang Youxue two
            teals of stipend besides their allowance. New   ’Tis there, ‘tis there in the pond-weed now,   Qianlong inscribed a poem, which reads, “Green
            painters Yu Xing, Yu Zhi, and Zhou Kun are each    The fish with the head so fine.—   algae that look like jade scatter around the
                                                                                pond, and fish are swimming freely among the
            accorded eight teals of stipend every month.” In    And here, and here is our king in Hau,   algae. Such a scene makes me wonder if my
            1741 (6  year of Qianlong’s reign), Yu Xing was    Hale and hearty, sipping his wine.
            recognized as a top-ranking painter.                                existence has become irrelevant. Seeing the fish
                                               ’Tis there, ’tis there in the pond-weed now,   enjoy themselves gives me much pleasure.” Two
            After working at the Painting Academy Office,                       studio seals are affixed, namely Qiwu, denoting
            Yu Xing enjoyed Emperor Qianlong’s growing    The fish with the mighty tail.—   a free and unfettered mental state; Qing Yin
            appreciation. According to the Shiqu Baoji    And here, and here is our king in Hau,   Ji Xiasi, meaning a poem composed at leisure
                                               O’er his wine-cups hearty and hale.
            (Precious Collection of the Stone Canal Pavilion ),                 to express his feelings at the time. The work is
            Yu Xing created 37 art pieces, and in many of                       also imprinted with Emperor Qianlong’s seven
            them, poems inscribed by Emperor Qianlong    There, there is the fish in the pond-weed now,   personal seals, as well as the seals of Guxi
            himself were found. Hu Jing wrote in Guochao    In its screen of reeds confiding.—   Tianzi, a moniker the Emperor uses to refer to
                                               And here, and here is our king in Hau,
            Yuanhua Lu (The Album of the Imperial Court    In comfort, in peace abiding.  himself after his seventy, and of Jingyi Garden.
            Art Academy), “Yu Xing was found to be
            talented in depicting living things and animating   In Xuanhe Huapu published during the Northern   Yu Xing painted the work using a technique
            objects. Emperor Qianlong instructed Yu   Song Dynasty, a chapter is dedicated to   known as “boneless washes,” which resulted
                                                                                in a vivid depiction of fish full of character and
            Xing to perfect his skills, complimented his   “Dragon/Fish,” and it reads, “The subject matter   swimming around algae. Emperor Qianlong’s
            strengths, and encouraged him to improve on   of the poem ‘Fish and Algae’ in the Classic
            his shortcomings. As the Emperor imparted his   of Poetry is fish with big heads and long tails   poetic inscription corresponds perfectly to the
            regal guidance, Yu Xing was deeply honoured   that swim freely around bulrush. As the fish   painting, and invokes Zhuangzi’s philosophical
                                                                                debate that was also inspired by fish. Although
            and flattered.” Emperor Qianlong lavished   are far from the hustle and bustle, they seem   other court painters in the Qing Dynasty, such
            praises on Yu’s paintings in three instances of   to suggest wise men who live in seclusion.
            his imperial majesty’s inscription.  Moreover, the images found in other works on   as Giuseppe Castiglione, also painted fish and
                                              fish/dragons can also be compared with the fish   algae, very few of them has created similar
            “[Yu] succeeded to invoke interest beyond                           works that are as lifelike and realistic as this
            the painting, and the poetry in the painting”   in ‘Fish and Algae’ in the Classic of Poetry and   one.
            (Inscription to Yu Xing’s Chrysanthemum)  the fish turning into dragons in I Ching.”   Although the painter did not denote the year
                                              “Fish and Algae” had long been a theme or
            “Yu Xing is talented in depicting living things and                 the work was created, we can find out the year
            imitation. I have instructed Yu to showcase his   motif in art, and over the centuries, a popular   of its creation using the following clues. The
                                              subject matter in painting. The debate on
            talent, as I wanted to give my personal guidance   the joy of fish between Zhuangzi and Hui   first edition of the Precious Collection of the
            to someone worthy of it.” (Inscription to Yu Xing’s                 Stone Canal Pavilion was published in 1745 (10
            Three Leiothrix after Xuanhe Huapu )  Shi, philosophers during the Warring States   year of the Qianlong reign), and this work was
                                              Period, also endowed the work with another
            “Such life like and marvellous depiction of  living   interesting humanistic and historical reference.   painted after the first edition, and was included
            things.” (Inscription to Yu Xing’s handscroll   In addition, in Chinese, the word “fish” (Yu) is   in the second edition. In the painting, Emperor
            Flowers, Plants, and Insects)     a homonym of “abundance” (Yu), so a painting   Qianlong’s inscription was dated in 1753, or the
                                              depicting fish could also be construed as having   18  year of the Qianlong reign. Therefore, this
            Yu Xing was born in 1692 (30  year of the                           work was created some time between the 11
            Kangxi reign). Therefore, he was initiated into   auspicious meanings. Based on this desirable   year and the 18  year of the Qianlong reign, or
            the Palace at age 45. There were no records of   semantic association elaborated in painting,   between 1746 and 1753, corresponding to age
            his passing, but it is generally believed that he   the subject of “Fish and Algae” became an   54–61 in Yu Xing’s life.
            died after 1767 (32  year of Qianlong’s reign).  important decorative motif in the ceramic made
                                              during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties. It
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