Page 91 - Fine Classical Chinese Paintings SOthebys Hong Kong April 1 2019
P. 91

Elegant in its style and sophisticated in its poetics, this work   Coming from a lineage of art collectors, Di Baoxian (1873-
                             of Red Evening Twilight and the Lone Swan on silk captures   1939) was proficient in both calligraphy as well as art
                             the essence of the famous couplet by the ingenious early   appreciation, who established Eastern Times followed by
                             Tang poet Wang Bo. With no inscriptions nor seals, the piece   Youzheng Publishing.The art collection of the Di’s family
                             was formerly attributed to be a work by Qu Ding from Song   started from Di Baoxian’s ancestors. His father, Di Xuegeng
                             dynasty. According to the later colophon by Di Baoxian, it is   (courtesy name Mannong, 1820-?) featured a prominent
                             known that this piece was from the late collection of calligra-  collection. As Di accounted, “My late father loved paintings
                             pher Deng Shiru, alongside with another piece attributed to   as much as his own life. All four walls of our house were lined
                             a Tang Dynasty Painting, Maiden Appreciating Spring at the   by important works by famous masters from different eras.”
                             Courtyard (fig.1),and both of which had been acquired expen-  After Di’s death, his collection was entrusted to collector Ye
                             sively. This work was published in Rare Paintings of Sung and   Gongchuo which, according to the accounts of calligrapher
                             Yuan Dynasty by Youzheng Publishing in 1924. It was later   Chen Dingshan, would be passed on to Wei Tingrong, before
                             exhibited and published in the First National Art Exposition   finally ending up in the Shanghai Museum in the post-war
                             (fig.2).                                  era. Whether or not Red EveningTwilight and the Lone Swan
                                                                       had been passed on to Wei is yet to be investigated.

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