Page 116 - Sotheby's Chinese Art and Porcelain Auction New York September 12, 2018
P. 116

and America” (1963), that the use of masks   proÞ le. In the case of the present zun, this   fact ingesting these creatures and the powers
           in ritual, regardless of if the mask is worn as   occurs in the taotie masks, the cicada, and the   possessed by each. This process in conjunction
           a costume or applied to a ritual implement   kuilong at the edges of the upright blades. Split   with the mind-altering properties inherent
           (e.g., taotie on the zun), permits the user to   representation allows the entire creature to be   to the wine itself would have enabled those
           embody or otherwise harness the power of   rendered, presumably improving the potency   who drank from the present zun to physically,
           the creature(s) depicted. Furthermore, Lévi-  through the complete imaging of the animal.   psychologically, and spiritually bring the taotie,
           Strauss, along with Harlee G. Creel, and K. C.   Split representation also e* ectively wraps the   kuilong, and cicada into themselves. The
           Chang, among other scholars, have observed   animal’s ‘skin’ around the vessel, implying that   drinker would transform into an elevated state
           that Shang dynasty bronzes frequently depict   the contents of the vessel become synonymous   embodying the properties of these creatures as
           animals in ‘split representation’, meaning   with the contents of the animal(s). When the   he transcended the divide between the mortal
           that both sides of the animal are depicted in   shaman or ruler drank the wine, they were in   and the spirit realms.

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